Middletown...The Middletown Garden Club will stage a fall plant sale as part of the Wadsworth Mansion Open Air Market, Sunday, August 22 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Mansion.
The club will be offering a variety of usual and unusual plants for the fall garden and landscape as well as bargain divisions from members’ gardens. Members will also take orders for a specially selected daffodil bulb collection and for their popular holiday amaryllis blooms.
Here in New England, gardeners wait patiently through the winter for the emergence of flowers, the greening of trees and the smell of freshly turned soil. When the earth finally awakens, they head out to their favorite garden centers and plant sales to purchase plants that will adorn their properties for the coming seasons. Many buy whatever is in flower, plant it, and call their work “done.” Their gardens are beautiful in spring and summer, but what about fall? Why not make this the year that you plant a glorious fall garden?
The discerning gardeners in The Middletown Garden Club will help you with fall plant selections and offer advice about their bargain perennial divisions. Whether you are adding to your fall landscape, planting with next spring in mind, or holiday shopping, this sale has something for you. Mid-August through mid-September brings perfect planting weather for many favorite New England plants.
Please , Garden Club, help to turn City Hall and deKoven Drive from eyesores to enchantments.
Middletown Garden Club members have done many civic design jobs, and would be happy to work with the City on others. Installation and maintenance (and the cost of same) are big issues -- as is the ownership of the land. It is my understanding that the main planting area along deKoven Drive, opposite City Hall, is owned by the railroad. A design has been discussed for that area, but probably nothing will be implemented until construction is complete.
Do you mean the Melilli parking lot construction? The whole "green" perimeter of City Hall could use some/any attention. The lawn, opposite the Court House, on Court Street, could be much improved with a landscaping plan. This area was tilled and seeded (which must have cost something) but apparently not much has grown except, you guessed it, crab grass. If the crab grass were complemented with other ground cover and/or appropriate plantings it would be a major improvement. I would bet that had the Garden Club been consulted, grass might not have been their first choice in this shaded area.
Maybe "the railroad" would welcome the Garden Club's input as well? Currently , it looks so seedy that Burning Bush would be welcome!
I think the patch of grass you are mentioning is an experimental organic lawn section that was done on a volunteer basis by Tom Christopher. I am not sure about the details. If Tom or someone knowledgeable is reading this maybe they could clarify.
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