Saturday, October 31, 2009
Candidate Profile: Common Council - Robert Stefurak

Candidate for Common Council
Retired Teamster
Member of Westfield Residents Association
Host of the Cable Access Show “The Diner”
Married to Karen, Father to Donna, Debbie, Bob, and Michael
Qualifications for position
Zoning Board of Appeals Commissioner
Reason for running
After watching the Democratic controlled Common Council for the past sixteen years, with their wasteful spending and poor budget practices – I could not stand for it anymore.
I decided to run having the knowledge of the average person and being down to earth – unlike the Democrats of the Council.
Improve the relationship between the BOE and Common Council.
Stop bonding for road improvements.
Improve Senior Services.
Candidate Profile: Common Council - Vinnie Loffredo

Incumbent Candidate for Common Council
Born and raised in Middletown; graduated St. Sebastian’s Elementary School, Middletown High(MHS), and Marquette University; graduate study at Wesleyan University’s master in arts and liberal studies; certified biology and science teacher; taught at Guilford Junior High School and Middletown High School; directed alternative high school program, School-Within-A -School; worked as an advocate for strong and vital public education at the Connecticut Education Association (CEA) for the past 35 years; currently serve as CEA’s chief lobbyist at the state Capitol.
Married to Dora Glinn; two adult children and one grandchild.
Experience and Qualifications
I became interested in politics and public service as a student at MHS through its annual Mayor-For- A-Day program. The call to public service made by a new, young, and dynamic president, John F. Kennedy, made a very strong impression on me. I have always believed that it’s very important to be an active participant in the political process.
Since the late 1970s, I’ve had the honor and privilege to serve as an elected representative in my community. My first city council term began in the 1970s and continued throughout the 1980s. In 1989, I ran for the remaining term of then - State Representative Paul Gionfriddo, who had been elected mayor. I was elected, completed his term, and was re-elected for a full two-year term. Most recently, I’m completing two additional terms on the city council and seeking re-election for another two years.
During these years of service, I’ve served Middletown residents on many different committees, boards and commissions. Currently, chair Personnel Review and Fire Services Cost Committee, serve as a member of the Public Safety Commission, the Retirement Board, MHS VO-AG Building Committee, and the MHS Locker Building Committee.
Reasons for Running
I care very strongly about our community. I believe that I can make a positive contribution toward Middletown’s continued growth and development. I enjoy working with members of the community, my council colleagues, both Democrat and Republican, as we discuss, debate, and resolve the many issues that come before us.
· Fulfill my fiduciary responsibility and control spending is a priority during these difficult economic times while maintaining essential services.
· Provide taxpayers with a comprehensive review and report of the fire services and the cost- savings recommendations for our three fire districts.
· Complete construction of needed MHS locker rooms for young men and women as well as for competing teams.
· Solve our waste and water treatment issue by having Middletown accepted as a member of the Mattabassett Sewage District.
· Promote responsible economic development while protecting the environment and our natural resources.
· Be responsive to changing community interests/needs.
Break in Weather Makes for Successful Pumpkin Fest

The rains moved out, and an unusually mild Halloween Day made for a successful Pumpkin Fest at Long Lane Farm where Wesleyan students, faculty and residents made music, painted faces, and at organic Halloween treats. An impromptu leaf-throwing fight broke out between Wes students and local kids, and while outnumbered, the youngsters had more stamina and watched as the Wesleyan students fled the fists full of foliage.
Democrats Accuse Giuliano Campaign of Dirty Tricks
In a press release, the Dems accused Giuliano's team of misleading senior citizens into thinking that Giuliano was a Democrat, "presumably to trick senior Democrats into voting for a Republican". In addition, the Democrats accused the Republican team of defacing Dan Drew's campaign signs.
In a strong denial of the accusation, Giuliano accused the Republicans of fabricating their accusations from "whole cloth."
In a quotation from the Democratic town chairman in the press release, Democrats denounced the alleged behavior.
“Whether it’s by his campaign or his supporters, Republican Seb Giuliano needs to denounce this outrageous behavior,” said Daniel Russo, Middletown’s Democratic Town Committee Chairman. “It’s disenfranchising seniors, and it’s designed to intimidate them.”
"If they think we have time to be doing stuff like that, they're flattering themselves," Giuliano said in a phone interview. "That's just pathetic. Nobody here is doing anything like that."
Regarding the sign mutilation, Giuliano laughed.
"If anyone is defacing Dan Drew's signs," Giuliano said. "It's Tom Serra. Have you seen his frankenstein signs? They're made from some old Serra campaign signs, and some new Dan Drew signs, and they look ridiculous."
Happy Halloween Middletown Style

So I guess you could call this piece an editorial or a personal account. I don't really know which, or the purpose, but I grew up in Middletown and now in post-college years have found myself back here again. I suppose this town and experiences here have influenced my observations of the darker side of life, or should we say the lighter side of death? Today is Halloween, which has brought about a flood of memories for me.

Around Middletown in 80 Days - Day 68

Vinnies Jump & Jive Halloween Costume Ball
Beckham Hall
After staying up late celebrating All Hallow's Eve with the Phantom of the Opera, Phileas will continue to scare up some fun in his final days in Middletown. Look for Phileas tonight to be in costume at Vinnie's Jump and Jive "Swingen Hallowe'en Ball at Beckam Hall, Wesleyan University. Tickets are available and open to all. Everyone will be dancing to the J-Street Band with Josh Fialkoff. Beginners lesson 7-8 pm. Dancing from 8-11 pm. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Phileas is a nod to classic literature will appear at midnight wearing the Mask of the Red Death.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Buttonwood Receives Grant from Liberty Bank
The Liberty Bank Foundation has graciously awarded a $2,000 grant to
North End Arts Rising, Inc. for the Food Not Bombs food sharing
program which happens Sundays at The Buttonwood Tree on the corner of
Liberty and Main Streets.
It is with great honor and privilege that NEAR, Inc. accepts this
grant from Liberty Bank Foundation to support this worthy program.
Food Not Bombs offers freshly-prepared vegetarian dishes and
fellowship to anyone who wants it. They often have fresh fruit &
vegetables for folks to take with them and when it rains or snows we
move inside, sometimes sharing some music.
Shortly after 1997 when NEAR, Inc. had found it's new home in the
renovated Arriwani Hotel (formerly the Arrigoni Hotel and the March
Inn), a generous and kind-hearted Wesleyan student named Charles
LeGuerre brought Food Not Bombs to The Buttonwood Tree's front porch.
Being both a dedicated volunteer to the bookstore and FNB, Charles
made the decision to share the meal with others at the very place we
do today. This meal sharing program has served countless people over
the years and has joined people from many walks of life.
Those who have a compassion for others are welcome to join us as Food
Not Bombs prepares food at First Church of Christ, 190 Court Street,
Middletown around 11:30 am every Sunday.
The Liberty Bank Foundation has been a supporter of North End Arts
Rising, Inc. for many years and in many ways. We know that their
hearts are with us as they award this funding to support all of us who
seek to aid the hungry of our community.
submitted by:
Anne-Marie Cannata
Executive Director N.E.A.R., Inc. /
The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center
605 Main Street / PO Box 71
Middletown, CT 06457 / 860-347-4957
(Neale Donald Walsch)
Eye on the Air, October 30

The Last Word - Democratic and Republican Candidates for Mayor
Eye on the Air, Friday October 30, 1-2 PM, WESU, 88.1 FM.
Host: Ed McKeon. Guests, Republican incumbent candidate, Mayor Sebastian Giuliano and Democratic challenger Dan Drew. The premise will be to explore areas not covered in the (9) debates and candidate forums which have occured. The candidates will appear separately. Dan Drew will join Ed from 1-1:25 and Mayor Sebastian Giulano will join Ed from 1:30-1:55.
Candidate Profile: Common Council - David Bauer

David Bauer (R) Incumbent Candidate for Common Council
Born, raised and educated in Middletown.
2 term member of the Common Council – have served on:
· Board of Health
· Citizens’ Advisory Committee
· Senior Services Committee
· Shared Services Committee
· Water Pollution Control Authority
· Public Works Commission
· Public Safety Commission
· Economic Development Committee
o Parking Study Sub-Committees (2)
· Re-Development Agency
· CVH Advisory Committee
· Contract Compliance Committee
Qualifications for Position
Willingness to show up prepared for long meetings and listen to other people's opinions.
Reasons for running
I have identified many people in Middletown who would do a great job as elected officials. Sadly, theu are not running for office, but I am. I believe that I can do a better job on the Common Council than most other candidates running for this office.
Most candidates for office can say the right things, and profess that they want the right goals for Middletown, but there is a profound disconnect between their words and their actions. We don’t spend your money as if it were our own, and we favor the interests of the few in too many of our decisions. The clearest indicator of this is that Middletown’s Grand List has grown slower than all surrounding towns in the last decade, when we are blessed with so many resources.
· Require the budget process to project revenues and expenses five years out. Middletown’s budget should always be in the first year of a five-year budget plan. This will mandate that the Common Council, the Mayor’s office, and municipal directors have a common understanding of the direction of City services beyond the current year. City departments will have to articulate and publicize their operational strategies for all to see.
Candidate Profile: Common Council - Grady Faulkner

Incumbent Candidate for Common Council
H1N1 Flu Clinic Next Thursday
Thursday, November 512 noon to 8:00 PMThe “Cow Palace” at the Durham Fairgrounds
Participants must be 2 through 24 years of age in good health, or 25 through 49 years of age and live with or care for infants younger than 6 months of age, or are health care (including school nurses) or emergency medical personnel (licenses required). Also, individuals with long-term medical problems and pregnant women may receive the vaccine but must have written approval from their health care provider.
The H1N1 vaccine will likely be administered by intramuscular injection. People who have a severe allergy to eggs should not receive the vaccine. Parents or guardians should check with their health care provider to determine if the vaccine is appropriate for their child. The H1N1 vaccine is not effective against seasonal influenza.
The clinic is free and by reservation only. Proof of age and residency will be required.
Directions to the Cow Palace: Take CT Route 17 (Main Street) to the southern end of the Town Green. Use the entrance to the Town Hall (sign), and then proceed straight down the hill to the large green building.
More H1N1 flu clinics are expected to be scheduled for other segments of the population as vaccine becomes available. The clinics are sponsored by Mass Dispensing Area 36 comprised of the City of Middletown and the Towns of Cromwell, Durham, Haddam and Middlefield.
For more information or to make a appointment, please call 860-343-6732.
Around Middletown in 80 Days - Day 67

Memorial Chapel 8 pm $4 General Admissions; $2 Wesleyan Students
Phileas will make yet another trip to explore the arts offerings of Wesleyan University's Center for the Arts. Phileas will spend the evening in Memorial Chapel. First he'll take in an exciting exploration of repertoire for percussion and keyboard instruments, featuring compositions by faculty and student composers and friends. Alvin Lucier "Hands" and "Sizzles", Neely Bruce "Vistas", and other works and premiers by Jay Hoggard, Ron Kuivilla and others, including the rock concerto for organ, "Tryptych" of Giovanni Mikhailov.
And since Phileas is from a classic novel that will be retold with a new twist at Oddfellows Playhouse in only a few more days...he'll stay in his seat and take in a horror classic that is being retold with live organ accompaniment at 10pm.
Halloween Silent Film: Phantom of the Opera
With live organ accompaniment
Friday, October 30, 10pm
Memorial Chapel - Free admission
The annual Halloween silent film featuring Phantom of the Opera with live accompaniment by student organists. Costumes encouraged! Phileas will be dressed as a Wesleyan student.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday Music & Dance (October 30)
There are so many events happening on Friday October 30 that an arts aficionado might have a hard time making a choice. I'm not sure staying home is an option.

The Buttonwood Tree presents singers-songwriters Gail Wade and Brooks Williams in concert at 8 p.m. The duo has played the venue several times in the past few years and always draws a crowd. Williams is one of the finest acoustic guitar players on the planet and Ms. Wade has a fine voice and a strong songwriter. They will play separate sets and a few tunes together. For more information, call 347-4957.
The Fall Faculty Dance Concert, featuring new works by the Wesleyan dance faculty, takes place at 8 p.m. in the '92 Theater Friday and Saturday evenings. Faculty members Rachel Boggia and Iddi Saaka will perform solo and duet works in collaboration with several guest artists. For ticket information, go to or call 860-685-3355.

Despite Promises to Close, Juvenile Training Center Expands Services

A state bonding request scheduled for consideration and approval Friday indicates the state is planning an $8,000,000 renovation of the Connecticut Juvenile Training School on Silver Street, East of Connecticut Valley Hospital.
The Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF) is planning to renovate one of the six cottages at the facility, and create a physical segregation from the other cottages, with separate recreational and educational facilities. The segregated cottage will handle the younger students.
"Essentially it's a segregation of the middle school kids from the high school kids," according to Josh Howroyd, a spokesman for DCF.
The renovations will occur within the current boundaries of the CJTS.
In 2005, Governor Jodi Rell pledged to close the facility and tasked the State Department of Public Works to find an alternate use for the $57 million facility.
According to a 2005 Hartford Courant article:
Rell said she is shutting down the 4-year-old Connecticut Juvenile Training
School and replacing it with two smaller regional facilities for boys and one
for girls that advocates said are long overdue.
If the legislature backs Rell's plan financially, one of the largest projects
of Gov. John G. Rowland's scandal-plagued administration will close down and
Connecticut's ailing juvenile justice system will get a fresh start.
"You cannot help but be terribly saddened by the failure of CJTS to fulfill its
promise ...," Rell said. "But as a leader, I cannot allow the failure of this
institution to continue. As a leader, I cannot fail these young men again."
Rell is seeking to close the school by 2008. The state Department of Public
Works has 90 days to come up with other uses for the site.
The facility was not closed as planned because the state legislature did not come up with the funding of smaller regional centers.
(DCF photo.)
Since then, the legislature has redefined the age of juvenile adjudication. Currently, individuals are tried as juveniles if they commit a crime before their 16th birthday. Next year that threshold rises to age 17, and in 2011, it rises to age 18.
"I saw the handwriting on the wall," Mayor Sebastian Giuliano said today. "As soon as the legislature passed the law which raised the age of juvenile status to 17, I knew they would never close the place down. "
"With the change in age of juvenile adjudication we will see a modest rise in the number of juveniles coming through the CJTS," Howroyd said.
The facility was designed to handle 200 juveniles who had been adjudicated, but currently operates at between 100-120 youths. The DCF expects the modest increase to keep the population below the original maximum number.
"It was designed as a maximum security facility, and it's the only one of its kind in the state," Giuliano said. "Where else are they going to put those kids."
Howroyd explained that serious felonies, such as murder cases, allow juveniles to be tried in adult dockets, and those individuals are incarcerated in adult facilities. In addition, juveniles awaiting trial are held in juvenile detention facilities in Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport.
Juveniles held at CJTS are typically at the facility for less than a year, and receive education and job training.
"We're trying to break the cycle of crime," Howroyd explained.
The initial bonding request is for planning, testing and developing architectural drawings for the renovation.
Candidate Profile: Board of Education - Stephan Gaarder

Stephen Gaarder (R)
Candidate for Board of Education
My Family and I moved to Middletown ten years ago from out of state. My wife Susan Hadley is a family physician, my daughter Nora is in eighth grade at Woodrow Wilson Middle School, and my son Jascha is in third grade at Farm Hill School. I work as a program evaluation consultant helping healthcare, education, and social service organizations measure and improve program effectiveness. My wife and I are committed to public school education and we both believe that Middletown is a terrific place to raise a family.
I have served for six years on the Middletown School Readiness Council and Five years of the Opportunity Knocks Coalition for Middletown Children. I serve on the Opportunity Knocks steering committee, have been an active member of the Farm Hill School PTA for eight years including two as its Treasurer during which I secured a $5,000 grant for new playground equipment. I also served as Treasurer of my children’s preschool for two years.
Qualifications for position
My formal training and experience in program evaluation with its focus on what works and why as well as the twelve years of full-time work teaching at the university level give me a unique combination of skills and perspective to be an effective member of the Middletown Board of Education.
Reasons for running
To be an effective advocate for the educational interests of Middletown children; to be a voice for transparency, integrity and reason on the school board; to ensure that the long-term interests of Middletown are served by acting as a proper “check and balance” on the actions of central administration.
Ensure that we serve the educational needs of all Middletown school children
Improve the morale of school district staff
Pumpkin Festival on Saturday
Candidate Profile: Board of Education - Stacey Barka

Stacey Barka (R) Candidate for Board of Education
Resident of Middletown for 3.5 years.
Hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting.
Business Analyst by occupation
A Licensed Massage Therapist and member of American Massage Therapist Association (AMTA).
Currently a member of the North End Action Team Advisory Board member.
Active member in N.E.A.T. community programs such as Erin St. Community Garden, NEAT Hiking club, Youth Committee, Block by Block Committee, quilting club.
Member of the International Institute of Business Analyst (IIBA) – Hartford chapter.
Married to Njie Barka.
Working within the community to foster and build stronger community relations.
Working with NEAT to identify ways in which the community can get involved and advocate for the needs of the community.
Qualifications for the position
Open mindedness and willing to have dialogue on issues impacting the school district.
Independent thinker
Reasons for running
Goal as a member of the Board of Education is to promote increased partnership with the schools, parents and community to enhance the student’s overall educational experience by building a solid foundation for learning and living in a very diverse community.
Support and enable student to succeed to their highest potential in an every changing and challenging global environment.
Build better relationships with the teachers in the district and supporting them in the challenges they face in their efforts to increase the students’ academic performance.
Budget transparency and the ability to know exactly where and how funds are spent.
Candidate Profile: Board of Education - Ryan Kennedy

- Currently attend CCSU working on a MA in Organization Communication
- Graduate with a B.A. in Communication from CCSU.
- Graduate with an A.S in General Studies from MxCC.
- Former SGA CCSU Senator
- Class president of the MHS 2005 class
- Member of the Recycle Task Force
Around Middletown in 80 Days: Day 66

1740 Randolph Rd
Phileas Fogg thinks Mercy High School is a cool school...seriously though, it is. Mercy was one of high schools in Connecticut chosen by Channel 3 Eyewitness News to be highlighted in morning news special.
What are some of the attributes of Mercy that makes it stand out as exceptionally cool? The attention to service, both in AND out of the community of Middletown is one example. Not only do Mercy students volunteer at local organizations (such as Oddfellows Playhouse and Amazing Grace Food Pantry), but as a school they also donate money, clothes, school books, and hygiene products to girls worldwide- from Haiti to Africa.
Phileas appreciates a young, bright mind with a caring attitude and a smiling face to go with it-- which is why he is spending October 29th at Mercy. Is Mercy somewhere you want to check out too? Stop by the Open House on Sunday, November 8th at 2:00 p.m. for a presentation by administration and a student-led tour of the school. The entrance exam for the Class of 2014 is Saturday, November 14th from 8:00 – 11:15 a.m. Register at
Video Archive of Final Mayoral Debate
After nine such meetings the candidates were well-practiced in answering questions about expected topics like taxation and governance. During the meeting last night we learned everything from the candidates preference for a dinner out (Dan Drew - The Firehouse, Giuliano - Esca or Forbidden City), to their views on the demolition of the Shiloh Baptist Church.
The video below is the entire event, at this point, unedited. You can move the bar on the timeline to get to any point in the event.
Dialysis Center on Main Street Approved

What benefit does this project bring to the property values of our Main Street, to the viability of our downtown district? It's simply not true that there is no other place that would make a suitable home for this tenant. The main benefit is to the developer, and that's not a good enough reason for a special exception.