Middletown still has enough open space that it's not totally surprising when a deer strolls through your center city yard, or, as happened a few years ago, a bear climbs a tree on Main Street.
But out for a stroll, I've bumped into a trio of turkeys who obviously claim High Street, near Loveland, as territory.
Here they are strolling and hunting for food on Mansfield Terrace.
They occasionally hang out in our back yard.
out on the edge of town near Crowmell, you can add Fox, Coyotes, and bobcats to the list. There has been rumor of a cougar in Higganum.
Maromas. Home to a myriad of wildlife. Another reason why it should stay.
We've got a family of three or four turkeys living on Ravine Street, too. And some very cute woodchucks.
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