Middletown's always a surprise.
On the way home I saw an impromptu vegetable stand near the Community Health Center on the West side of Main Street.
I stopped and found Wesleyan student Sarah Tracy supervising the distribution of fresh vegetables from the Wesleyan gardens on Long Lane.
"We distribute coupons," Tracy explained, "And people can redeem them for vegetable that we bring downtown."
I snapped a few pictures then hopped into my car and rounded the corner onto Liberty where I saw a young adult intentionally drop a sizeable piece of litter from a handful of chicken he was eating.
"Pick up your litter," I shouted from my car, stopping to make my point clear.
"F--k you," his friend said.
The young man who dropped the litter said, "Ask nicely."
I said, "Please pick up your litter. I live in this town too."
"F--k this town," his friend said.
"Pardon?" I said.
"F--k this town. And f--k you," he clarified.
The young man who had dropped the litter stooped and retrieved it.
"Thanks," I said to the recalcitrant litterer. And to his friend, "F--k you too."
I commend your patience. It is disturbing when Big People behave like Tiny Tots. You were wise to set a good, adult example. And, probably the lesson in why the powerful F word should be reserved for speaking among friends on account of alienating many older folks, was rightfully postponed for another more pleasant encounter.
I would like to know who is littering the chicken bones on High Street. My dog almost choked on one dropped on my lawn. I try and be responsible, steer my pup to the public side of the sidewalk, not home owners lawns, & pick up her biodegradable waste; yet I still continue to keep finding chicken bones up and down the street......weird!
THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for saying something to this young man!
When I see someone littering (and I'm walking behind them) I retrieve the trash and run up to them saying, "Sir! Sir! You dropped this!" They think its going to be money they lost, but it is not. It makes its point.
And when I see some kind soul collecting other people's litter to keep our environment clean, I thank them for caring.
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