Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Wisconsin Fourteen, Weekends and Why Republicans Want to Bust the Union

A Weekend Editorial by Rachel Maddow


Unknown said...

Love Rachel. And she is right. The future of democratic elections hangs in the balance. The Republicans are just out to bust unions all over the country. All working Americans owe everything they have to unions. Stand with the workers of Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

But it's Democrats in Middletown who work against the unions. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

How many hundreds of millions do the unions give to democratic and liberal elections and causes each election cycle.

Anonymous said...

Stand with the voters of Wisconsin who, let us not forget, put all those Republicans in office.

William Scott said...

You can't spend money when you don't have it. Something many seem to forget here and in Wisconsin. The unions have to give back as many others have in the private sector already have.
He was elected to fix the mess that was left behind by the last governor and legislators.
You call it union busting, but I call it tough love. Something that is needed during this very difficult time in our country.
Remember millions don't have a job and would switch places with them in a heartbeat.