Representatives from the city and from the Board of Education met in chambers with Judge Robert Holzberg to mediate a conflict on whether to grant an ill BOE worker donated sick time where the judge declared that the worker should be "made whole."
"She'll receive the donated sick time," said Common Council member Deborah Kleckowski who worked to help convince the Board of Education to accept a Memorandum of Agreement from the union which wished to donate sick time to a new worker who was struck ill. The Memorandum was ultimately rejected by the BOE.
"Most importantly it was the right thing to do," said Common Council member James Streeto, who spoke in favor of the action at the last BOE meeting.
On Monday, the Common Council considered creating a city-wide sick time donation bank, but the proposal was sent to the Personnel Review Committee for study, and the creation of appropriate resolution language.
I don't understand why the BOE won't allow teachers to donate a day of their sick time to others in need. What is their reasoning? Was it ever explained, or did I just miss it? When I first taught in New Hampshire in the '70s it was done and not a big deal. Why is it here? This never should have gotten to a judge, who I'm sure has a lot more important things to worry about! Allow it and be done with it already!
Donating sick time is not a big deal. the Business Manager jsut regused to accept the requested -MOU-agreement to allow Union members to donate. No word as to why....People are wroking hard to rectify this matter. Please call Dr. Frechette yourself and demand this matter be put to rest. And, pressure the elected BOE to be more assertive-they are the "boss"--also to address the serious bullying problem.
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