Saturday, February 12, 2011

Coloring Outside the Lines - ADHD, Standardized Tests, And Schools As a Business

A weekend editorial.

From a lecture by Ken Robinson for the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Britain.

The animation.

The complete lecture.


John Hall said...

These video animations are really fun to watch, insightful, and very relevant to many cultural issues and challenges swirling around us. This is very enriching content, and it adds a new dimension to the role that the Middletown Eye and other grassroots news blogs play in our society. Thank you, Ed, for posting these. I highly recommend that others watch them.

John Hall said...
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Anonymous said...

The full lecture is even better, and includes a lot that is not in the animation. Definitely worth listening to. Sir Ken also has a great sense of humor. And he really loves living in California. (Maybe it's because the incidence of ADHD is so much lower there.) A legitimate critique of mainstream education, which was and is modeled on factory production. Its flaws are buried deep in the "genetic code" of education as we now know it. He's also correct in saying that by focusing on the things that we take for granted, we gain the greatest insights. The wristwatch example is brilliant. A must see/hear for all who call themselves educators, as well as those who sit on school boards. And for parents too.