Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Giuliano Campaign Associate Distributes Counterfeit Facebook Post Aimed at Slurring Council Candidate Bobbye Knoll Peterson

Bill Perkins, who has identified himself as a District Captain for Republican Seb Giuliano's mayoral campaign, has repeatedly distributed a counterfeit Facebook post which attributes an untrue quote to Common Council candidate Bobbye Knoll Peterson that she didn't write.

Counterfeit Facebook post.
Perkins posted the fake Facebook post on the Facebook page of the Middletown Eye, and in other places, including his own home page.  The post doesn't use the same font or kerning as any standard Facebook post.  Knoll has expressed a strong denial that she was responsible for the post.

Perkins earlier posted falsely that Diana Martinez, Ben Florsheim's campaign treasurer, was a "meanace (sic) and a criminal."  Perkins has spent the past several weeks posting false, defamatory and insulting posts and memes about Florsheim, and members of the Democratic slate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, it works for DJT.