Thursday, September 13, 2012

Washington Street Zoning Change Approved

The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to change the zoning on three Washington Street lots, immediately west of the intersection with Old Mill Road. The lots are currently zoned R15, which allows single-family residential, the zone would change to B-3.

Currently, several of these lots are being used for business, because a long-standing "non-conforming" use was grandfathered into the rights for the property. The zone change would only apply to the portion of each lot that fronts onto Washington Street, the portion contacting Barbara Road, which is solely single-family homes, would remain unchanged.

Michiel Wackers, Deputy Director of the Planning Department, explained to the Commission, "The purpose [of the zoning change] is to allow commercial in a limited way." The B-3 zone allows office, medical, comercial schools, upper story residential, and retail services such as barbershops and tailors.

No one from the public spoke during the public hearing for this zoning change, and the vote to approve it was unanimous.


Linda said...

It will be hard to build on those lots without impacting the stream in the wooded area on the north side of the property.

Anonymous said...

Come on that stream run after a rain otherwise is dry.