There was some serious cute at tonight's Applefest at Macdonough Elementary School on Spring Street. The PTA hosted the make-your-own-pie party in the school cafeteria for about 60 kids and their families.

The heart of the event was an incredibly generous donation by Lyman Orchards of an apple pie workshop - more than 70 pies were made as the folks from Lyman's showed us how to cover our apples with a cinnamon mixture, fill our pie shells and stretch a crust on top. Everyone went home with their own mini pie ready for baking. After the pie workshop, there were apple crafts with Mrs. Spaman, an apple storytime with Mr. Romeo, and some downhome fiddle music from Emily Troll and Rani Arbo.

It was a great night, with only one problem: the grown-ups kept getting in the way of each other's cameras, since the kids were giving us one photo op after the next. I think that's Izzi Greenberg's lens in my otherwise perfect shot of Quinn Zakarian putting the finishing touch on his pie.

Many thanks to Sowgol Zakarian (the evening's organizer) and everyone who helped, and especially to Lyman's for bringing a little country to downtown Middletown.


Hats off to Sowgol Zakarian, Lyman's Orchards and to all the participants and volunteers. What a great event.
Adorable photos, Jen!
Kids in cute hats creating homemade yummy pies with locally grown apples - awesome!!!
Delicious fun.What could be better?
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