Water and Sewer Department engineer Joe Fazzino presented a plan for preventing erosion at the City's River Road wellfield to the Planning and Zoning Commission. He said that the State Department of Public Health requires that wells be at least 50' from the mean high water point, and that further erosion erosion could impact the ability to use these wells.
Fazzino was asking the Commission to provide approval for a conceptual plan, this approval is needed to facilitate the authorization by the Common Council of funds to develop a more detailed design.
The project would be a joint one between the City and the Army Corps of Engineers. Fazzino said the preliminary construction cost estimate was for $1.64M. The city would be responsible for 35% of this, or $572,327. Fazzino said that Water and Sewer would be requesting $700,000 from the Council to fund the design as well as the City's share of the construction.
If the City approves the expenditure, it would probably be through a bond, to be paid off by water and sewer fees. Fazzino expressed his hope that all permits and funding would be in place to award a construction contract in December of 2011.
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