Monday, September 30, 2013

Open Forum Oct. 11 to Take Closer Look at Sustainability at Middlesex Community College

In a move to recognize and build upon the growing momentum for environmental stewardship and education at MxCC, the College is hosting a Sustainability Forum with students, faculty and the community. The event, which will be held on Friday, October 11, at 1:30 – 3:30 p.m., in Chapman Hall on the Middletown campus, celebrates MxCC’s leadership role among Connecticut colleges to be proactive in promoting sustainability in its curriculum, operations, and outreach – efforts that are becoming a model for all community colleges within the CONNSCU System.   

The forum is co-sponsored by Eastern Connecticut State University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy and MxCC’s President’s Climate Action Response Team.  Free parking is available and registrations can be made by contacting Joy Hansen at or at 860-343-5832.

In addition to hearing a campus sustainability progress report, attendees will be able to participate in “breakout” groups to discuss and brainstorm ways to help the College fulfill its climate commitment, develop educational programs on sustainability-related topics, and implement community-wide practices.  All attendees will be able to share observations, suggestions, and thoughts on progress to date and next steps for the College.

“Over the past few years, Middlesex Community College has taken countless proactive steps to recover its landscape with sustainable gardens and trees, to improve its energy use and operations through recycling and reducing waste, and to incorporate environmental elements into its curriculum,” said Dr. Anna Wasescha, president of MxCC.  “This is all part of MxCC’s strategic plan, echoed by our pledge to the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment.  We are enthused by our progress and welcome ideas from throughout our community.”

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