Sunday, June 2, 2013

From 1913: Resist Street Paving Tax

The following is an excerpt from an article published 100 years ago today, on June 2, 1913 in the Hartford Courant.
Middletown Property Owners Stand Pat
Evidently the property owners on Sumner street are planning to make a determined stand in regard to the assessment on their property for the paving of the street with amiesite last fall, for thus far only a half dozen have paid the amount of the levy, and on Saturday fourteen liens were filed against property on the street by the city. The unpaid taxes amount to more than $700 and are as follows: Josephine Benham $37.18, Grace K. Allison $46.02, Walter B. Hubbard estate $42.40, Carl A. Allison $48.64 and $8.79, Allison Brothers, Incorporated, $133, Joseph Shapiro$37.45, David Leltzes and Israel Lesser $68.25, Benjamin Friedman $25.20, Henry L. Battalin and Yale Gordon $41.32, Luzerne A. and Mary T. Allen $42, David Mittleman $21, Michael Santangelo $41.48, Herman Poliner $49.

It is probable that suit will have to be undertaken by the city before a settlement is made in some of these cases, at is understood that some of these property owners in particular have made up their minds not to pay. This state of affairs is rather interesting just as the present time, because pavement is being laid on Main street this month, for which the abutting property owners are to be assessed in the same proporaion [sic] as those in Sumner street.

Captain Buell Sued For Divorce.
Captain John H. Buell, well known along the towns on the Connecticut River, has been made the defendant in action for divorce brought by his wife Lucy Buell of this city, in which she alleges intolerable cruelty, and also improper conduct with one Katherine Buell. The latter offense is alleged to have taken place at Clinton between January 1 and April 1 of this year. Mrs. Buell seeks besides the divorce, the custody of her son George, 19 years of age, and alimony of $3,000. The suit is made returnable to the June term of the superior court, and is brought by her attorney, Frank D. Haines. Captain Buell runs a boat between this city and Long Island, peddling fish and clams at the various towns between here and Saybrook.

Council Meeting Tonight
The June meeting of the common council will be held tonight in the council chamber, but as far as is known there is but little business of importance to come up. It is understood that Corporation Counsel Gustaf R. Carlson will make a report in regar4d to the reclaiming of the water front from the railroad company, a matter which he has been investigating during the past month. It is not thought that Mayor Fisk will make any attempt to oust the present water commissioners who are holding over,his original appointments to the office having failed of confirmation.

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