Friday, September 23, 2011

Celebrate Middletown's Best Supporters of Youth

The Middletown Youth Services Bureau as part of its efforts to promote the 40 Developmental Assets in our community will be looking to celebrate the work asset builders throughout Middletown. An asset builder can be many things, but most importantly they are someone or some group that is improving the lives of young people in our community. Individual asset builders can be parents, teachers, coaches, business owners, youth workers, neighbors, and/or young people themselves, while we can also take time to celebrate organizations, groups, and programs for the work they do with young people as well. They may be our most celebrated champions or our unsung heroes.

Preference will be given to those that are directly working within the 40 Developmental Assets framework and initiative however basic knowledge of the initiative and framework are not required. We will also be looking at how the nominee focuses on the core notions of the initiative; a focus on the strengths of young people, the importance of relationships, being a consistent role model and building assets on purpose.

Here are the basics:
·         Individual nominations must be of a person who works and/or lives in Middletown.
·         Groups/Organizations can serve people outside of Middletown but their nomination must focus on what they do specifically in Middletown.
·         The deadline for submissions is October 17th at 4:30pm. Electronic submissions can be sent to or hand delivered to the Middletown Youth Services Bureau located at 372 Hunting Hill Ave.
·         Each nomination should be no more than 400 words and include the cover letter in its submission.
·         Although many asset builders touch on multiple assets, please identify at least one of the eight asset categories that this nominee builds (listed on application).
·         Winners will be selected by a panel of Middletown teens.
·         Winners will be celebrated at an upcoming community event and featured on our website:

Developmental Assets represent 40 common sense building blocks that all young people need to grow up healthy and successful. Each asset represents a relationship, opportunity or value that we as a community can help ensure all young people receive. As its been proven both locally and around the world, the more of these assets young people have the less likely they will be to engage in risk taking behavior and the more likely they will be to engage in positive indicators.

For more information about the Developmental Assets initiative in Middletown please visit our website: And while you’re there, feel free to make a promise to support our youth.

A copy of the above introduction and the nomination cover letter is available online via and can be found HERE.

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