Monday, August 19, 2019

Superintendent Announces Significant Achievement Advances In 2018-2019 School Year

In a preschool letter to parents and students, School Superintendent Michael Conner announced significant improvements in achievement and performance at all grade levels as measured by Connecticut's required testing.

There was overall improvement of 4% in grades 3-8 in ELA (English Language Arts), and 3% in math.

At Woodrow Wilson Middle School, the improvement was even more pronounced with a 10% boost in ELA and an 8% boost in math.

At the preschool level, 90% of eligible three and four-year olds participated in a program to increase school readiness with more than 38,000 books read, and 10.8 million words mastered.

Conner ascribes the advances to the cooperation of students, parents, teachers and administrators in innovative approaches to teaching and learning that have been instituted over the past year.

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