Lyman Orchards in Middlefield celebrated the almighty blueberry today at it’s summer Berry Fest! Area residents and out-of-towners a alike gathered in the sweltering 94 degree weather at the Apple Barrel market and patio restaurant for a delicious blueberry-themed “Breakfast on the Deck,” berry picking in the orchards, pony and horse drawn wagon rides to the Homestead, frisbee golf and live music by the Remember September band. The highlight of the day was, without a doubt, the blueberry pie eating contest. These pictures say it all. Congrats to Garret and Cameron, winners of the child and adult pie-eating contests, respectively. And, kudos for all of the spectators who sat out in the blazing sun to cheer on the competitors!

The events at Lyman Orchards are fun, nearby and gas-economic ways to get the whole family outdoors enjoying the summer weather and delicious local produce. Visit Lyman Orchards Events for information the upcoming Peach Fest! and other great events taking place year-round.
And now, an original haiku inspired by the days events:
Blueberry pie's great
But sometimes it turns my face
and t-shirt purple.

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