At least one reporter, and one editor have left the Middletown Press, as confirmed today by Press editor Viktoria Sundqvist.
Sundqvist would not comment on reports on a Hartford Courant blog, or the Debaser blog, that multiple reporters/editors have left, either resigning or having been fired.
Sudqvist confirmed that the Middletown Press sports editor has left for a job "out of state."
"We're continuing with our digital first format," Sundqvist said. "And we're working to provide the best in news that we possibly can."
WOW Sad Face. Also side note Viktoria Sundqvist didn't want my videos anymore cause I filmed in PJ's. :-(
Story is missing a lot. Kloczko did not cause a scene. He said what he did and then left, packing his stuff and filling out his hours.
Now why didn't I read about this in the Press? Guess it wasn't sensational enough. No big loss though- this paper could just go away and we'd all be better for it.
Viktoria Sundqvist is a protégé of former corporate news director Matt DiRenzo, (now publisher of the Torrington Register Citizen) whose profanity-laced tirades and firing sprees earned him the respect of Journal Register founder Robert Jelenek. Editors dropped like flies whenever DiRenzo got near, and the inner circle pocketed the savings. The cut was called a "turnover allowance." While JRC was going through bankruptcy, DiRenzo and other loyal soldiers were sent to Connecticut papers to hide out, only to reemerge as leaders in the reorganized company. The real mystery is why JP Morgan Chase continues to pay the bills?
Justin Kloczko IS the Debaser. He's the publisher and founder. He's behind the twitter posts, the blog, the tumblr account and facebook page.
The slow death of the Middletown Press. If the editors would do their job they might have less issues and more readership.
The Debaser has been run by another person for the past few months. I started the project and then abandoned it, passing it along to a friend of mine. I contribute, but the Debaser is multiple people.
Sounds like a disgruntled employee with an axe to grind
This post is still missing the bigger picture: That Kloczko worked for three newspapers six days a week for a year and then was basically told to get lost. He has no axe to grind. The JRC and Sundqvist do. Simply put, he was too good for that company.
We are multiple people. Joke's on everyone else.
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