Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Buttonwood Buzz

submitted by Anne-Marie Cannata:

Friday night at The Buttonwood Tree folks of all ages came out for a good time. Children played games in the bookstore while the music from Anne and Pete Sibley danced in the air. The audience of over 40 was comprised of many newcomers to Middletown - friends of the Sibleys and TBT regulars as well. The voices of Anne and Pete were so well harmonized and in synch that one patron who frequents TBT said it created an atmosphere more intimate than he ever felt in the room before. They invited on stage their friends Rani Arbo and Scott Kessel who played a violin and cardboard box, respectively - adding another level of complexity to the music and a light camaraderie that was enjoyed by all. Saturday night Noah Baerman and the Sunna Gunnlaugs Quartet had the house packed with Jazz fans, many experiencing their first show at TBT. It was quite some awesome music! By their applause and comments, it seemed everyone had a great time, especially our lucky raffle winner who went home with a $100. gift certificate from Malloves Jewelers. Thank you, Malloves and all of our supportive friends. Sunday night the house was ROCKIN' with the Yiddish Princess - and I'm not kidding! I don't speak Yiddish, but I loved the sounds they belted out, and the dancing in the aisle was a kick! Tom Monaghan always brings us a treat - crazy fun and wildly different.

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