Thursday, October 18, 2012

Clean Energy Task Force Seeks New Members

The Middletown Clean Energy Task Force has been working on many energy supply and conservation measures for the City of Middletown over the past 8 years. The Task Force has been a leader in lowering the cost of electricity for municipal buildings; promoting solar power on City and Board of Education buildings and schools, respectively; advocating for a fuel cell as part of the plans for the  Middletown High School; and, studying a variety of cutting edge technologies for city owned streetlights and Palmer Field stadium lighting. The Task Force is also currently exploring the costs:benefits of municipal ownership of all city-wide streetlights and pursuing new community outreach initiatives. Middletown residents interested or with expertise in clean energy, energy conservation and/or emerging technologies (i.e., LED, induction) and who can assist the Task Force are asked to contact the City. The Clean Energy Task Force meets the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 pm in city hall (lunch meetings). Meetings last no longer than 1.5 hours. If you have an interest in learning more about the many projects the Task Force is now working on please call John Hall, Middletown's Energy Coordinator, at  860.344.3503.

1 comment:

Madam Nirvana (Molly Salafia) said...

I would be interested if these meetings were held after work day hours.