Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Joy Amidst the Craziness

The news is filled with finger-pointing, yelling, pontification, Left/Right/Center, all kinds of deflecting mechanisms to keep up us away from the realities of everyday life.  There's plenty of bad news that we rarely read about, from children going hungry every night throughout the area and the nation to a lack of leadership development on many levels.

But, that's for another column and even another columnist.

I came across this entry in pianist/composer/father Noah Baerman's blog and, since he published it, I think it's fair to link to it.  You should feel a bit better about life after reading this.  The link to the full column is below.

Adoption Day and the Meaning of Love

Interpretation 1: Today, in a short civil ceremony at the Probate Court, my wife Kate and I went through the legal process of adopting our daughter, Rebecca. Really it’s just a formality among consenting adults – after all, she’s 23 and we have been family for years anyway. Fortunately it was more efficient than a trip to the DMV and we were able to get out of there before the parking garage charged us for staying more than an hour. 

Read the rest here.

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