Saturday, October 15, 2016

Many Volunteers Needed For October 22 River Clean-up

The Jonah Center is partnering with First Church in Middletown, for a clean-up work party on Saturday, October 22, 8:30– 11:30 a.m. The goal is to remove a large amount of bulky material (chairs, tarps, mattresses, etc.) that was pulled from the Middletown Recycling Center to the bank of the Coginchaug River. Volunteers will gather at the Phil Salafia Canoe and Kayak Launch in the North End, 181 Johnson Street (just to the left before you enter the recycling center).

It is important to get this material away from the river while it is relatively dry, and before spring when it may be washed into the river. A large team of workers, say 20, could easily complete this job in about an hour.  Please help if you can.

There is some poison ivy in the area, so volunteers should wear long pants and gloves.  To get more information or to confirm your willingness to help, contact Curt Weybright by email at or by phone or text at 860-301-6483. 

What makes this project even more urgent is the item below.  The trail will go right by the piles of debris.

$103,000 Grant Awarded To Fund Hiking Trail On City Landfill Mound

While we are on the subject of the North End Peninsula (the land where the recycling center, landfill mound, and boat launch are located), we are happy to announce the grant awarded to the City of Middletown to complete the Jonah Center’s 2006 plan to construct a hiking trail circling the landfill mound and leading to the top where you can enjoy fantastic views of the Floating Meadows, the Mattabesset River, the Arrigoni Bridge, hills surrounding Middletown and Portland, and downtown Middletown.  You can view an article on this project at

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