Thursday, May 7, 2009

Courant Reports Police Questioned Suspect Immediately After Shooting

The Hartford Courant is reporting that the police questioned suspect murder suspect Stephen Morgan immediately following the shooting, but allowed him to leave after getting contact information.

The Courant also reports Morgan's car, with Colorado plates, was left behind, and so, there is the suspicion that he is still in the area.

According to the report, Morgan's journal, found in his car, revealed that he planned to rape Justin-Jinich and then go on a shooting spree on campus.


Anonymous said...

Ok well if he follows through with the rampage - as pointed out Middletown Police and State police should be blamed; very stupid move to allow him to leave.

Anonymous said...

Could this be true? That the police let the killer go after cursory questioning and treated bookshop employees hiding from the violence as criminals, making them lie on the floor and body-searching them. I hope that the Courant report is an untrue rumor.

Anonymous said...

At the time he was questioned, he was questioned just as everyone else was at the scene. It wasn't until further investigation revealed that there was a connection between the two. There was no reason for the police to believe at the time he was a suspect. If that was the case they obviously woundn't have let him go. And if he goes through with the rampage, there is no one to blame but the killer. Stop the Monday morning quarterbacking and making ridiculous comments that the police would be to blame for someone else's actions.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't this seem a little bit like quarter backing from the couch? It is easy to sit in judgment on the MPD when we are not the ones who are out there for days on end trying to find this maniac. There were dozens of people who are pictured in the courant "milling about" outside. Should they have detained them all? For how long? If they had done that then people would be saying that they had screwed up by detaining everyone for too long. I for one am glad that there are people out there who are dedicating their hearts and souls to finding this man. I wish them the best of luck. There are moments when someone in every profession over steps their bounds, or doesn't bring their A game. Isn't it time that we cut the MPD a little slack and recognize that most of the time they really do a good job.

Anonymous said...

To the comment at 4:44, I was so disappointed to see your comment. I don't think it will be the fault of the local police if there is more violence - it will be the fault of the murderer.

The police officers who made the mistake of letting him go (and it was a mistake) must feel horrible. In spite of their training and experience, I'm sure that the scene in that bookstore must have been difficult for all the emergency personnel. I hope this disaster comes to a conclusion soon, but I don't think we should blame the police, and I don't see how it helps the situation.