Middletown's Design Review and Preservation Board approved the design concept for the new proposed Community Health Center to be built on the corner of Grand and Main Street.
The project's architect, Robert Olson of Robert Olson and Associates, explained details of the new building to the board, noting materials to be used, dimensions and design attributes of the building and relationship to neighboring buildings.

"I wouldn't be comfortable to make the walk down that walkway at night," Kronenberger said. "Leaving Eli's your walk is essentially a gauntlet."
Board member Pat Evans agreed, "I wouldn't walk down it at all."
Members suggested that building planners work with the owners of Eli Cannon's to be sure that the walkway is wide enough to be inviting, and well-lit. In addition, one board member suggested that CHC work with Eli Cannon's to create a new back entrance through the area which is used in the summer as a patio.
More than one board member suggested that the building did not fit well with the current historic street scape found on Main Street.

Olson admitted that the plans presented didn't convey the detail of the building materials, and that the finished product would indeed match materials, colors and styles of Main Street buildings.
In approving the concept, a step needed for the Planning and Zoning Commission to schedule a public hearing, the Design Review Board asked CHC and the architect to submit more detailed plans as well as views of the proposed building from a perspective North of the building, detailing its relationship to Eli Cannon's.
This approval is outrageous and demonstrates the uselessness of this board. To the casual observer this building is out of place, inappropriate and not in keeping with Main Street Middletown.
Question...Are we requiring that this building be constructed with solar panels, fuel cells, or any type of alternate energy source? Do we concern ourselves more with the esthetics of the building than how it will benefit our community as a whole? As it is a worthy endeavor, we can not allow ourselves to be consumed by the appearance of said building and neglect the appropriatness of said building. Again, I must ask is it required to have alternate forms of energy and how will it benefit our residents as a community,
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