Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trash Talk

Trevor Davis has started a downtown conversation about innovations in the field of trash cans. In an email to local officials, he offered some photos of alternative waste containers that he saw in other cities.

First, he offered this photo of a simple sidewalk recycling bin that he saw in Amherst, Massachusetts. I've also seen these on Northampton, MA sidewalks, and I noticed that the fine print in this photo shows that a grant from MassDEP paid for the cans.

His second photo is of a "solar compactor" which compresses the trash (using solar energy) which makes for fewer pick-ups by the garbage truck. It was also grant funded, by local businesses and individuals.

Thanks to Trevor for giving permission to share these photos. (Among other things, Trevor is the new chair of the Central Business Bureau, which is the downtown branch of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce. He is also the owner of Trevor Davis Real Estate.)

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