On December 4th, at the request of Middletown’s Clean Energy Task Force, the Common Council voted to join SustainableCT, an exciting new initiative to support Connecticut's cities and towns.
Mayor Daniel Drew said, “Middletown is a sustainable leader in environmental policy and we’ve taken another major step forward in creating a cleaner environment.”
SustainableCT, launched on November 28th at the annual convention of the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, is a statewide initiative that includes a detailed menu of sustainability best practices, tools and resources, peer learning, and recognition.
Middletown’s Clean Energy Task Force Chair, Jennifer Kleindienst, added “We’re so excited for this opportunity to celebrate Middletown’s great sustainability achievements and help us determine next steps and long-term plans to reduce our environmental impact while building an economically and socially viable community.”
The Sustainable CT platform includes actions such as improving watershed management, supporting arts and creative culture, reducing energy use and increasing renewable energy, implementing “complete streets” (streets that meet the needs of walkers and bikers as well as cars), improving recycling programs, assessing climate vulnerability, supporting local businesses, and providing efficient and diverse housing options. After successful implementation of a variety of actions, municipalities will be eligible for SustainableCT certification.
”In Middletown, sustainability and resiliency provide the larger drivers for the work of our Clean Energy Task Force. SustainableCT offers an integrated framework that addresses this broad scope. It is a powerful tool to organize our efforts.” said Michael Harris, Middletown’s Energy Coordinator.
To connect with Middletown’s sustainability efforts, contact the City’s Energy Coordinator at 860-638- 4854.
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