Tuesday, November 4, 2008

District 4, raw results

At 8:15, the preliminary results were read for District 4, voting at Moody School

1. Shall there be a Constitutional Convention to amend or revise the Constitution of the State?
Yes: 438 NO: 816
2. Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit any person who will have attained the age of eighteen years on or before the day of a regular election to vote in the primary for such regular election?
YES 872 NO: 376
3. Shall the revisions to the City Charter be approved?
YES 667 NO: 372
4. Shall the proposed corrections to the Charter regarding grammar, spelling, terminology, consistency, and other corrections of a technical nature, be approved?
YES 916 NO 198
5. Shall the $4.5 million appropriation and bond issuance authorization for City water and sewer improvements consisting of 1) Westfield Service Area Water Pressure Enhancement, 2) Route 66 Water and Sewer Installation, 3) Well Field Planning, 4) Equipment and Material Purchases, as adopted by the Common Council, be approved?
YES 847 NO 339

McCain 488 Obama 862 Nader 18

3rd Congressional
DeLauro 909 Itshaky 298 Ferrucci 50

9th State Senate
Capenera 525 Doyle 726

100th State Leg.
Kalinowski 488 Lesser 769

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