Meet Your Greens Explores Slow Food at It’s Only Natural Restaurant
Meet Your Greens, Middlesex County monthly green drinks networking gathering, will meet May 15, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at It’s Only Natural Restaurant (ION).
The evening will feature green networking & a presentation by Slow Food Shoreline. Slow Food
Shoreline is a local chapter of the national non-profit organization Slow Food USA. As a local chapter it invites members and the greater community to taste, celebrate and champion the foods and food traditions of the Connecticut Shoreline.
In order to carry out the Slow Food mission, SFS offers educational events and activities to promote
sustainability and biodiversity. Slow Food’s mission is to promote Good food that is delicious and
created with care from healthy plants and animals; Clean food that is nutritious and grown and
harvested in ways which have a positive impact on the planet; and Fair food that is
accessible to all, regardless of income.
It's Only Natural Restaurant has served CT diners for more than 30 years. It is known throughout the state for its delicious, innovative vegetarian/vegan creations.

It's Only Natural Restaurant
336 Main Street
Middletown, CT 06457-2856
(860) 346-9210
Meet Your Greens is Middlesex County's monthly green drinks happy-hour network providing opportunities to make connections and exchange news about environmental issues in Middlesex County. Based on the popular Green Drinks in CT and nationwide, this informal gathering of people drawn from the community,
nonprofit groups and the business world offers time to brainstorm

Meet Your Greens meets every third Tuesday of the month. Venues and times change -- join our e-list for updates and invites by contacting Claire Rusowicz,; or Jennifer Weymouth, You can also join us on Facebook ("Meet Your Greens"). Schedule updates are also provided on The Rockfall Foundation website,
The Rockfall Foundation supports environmental education, conservation programs and planning
initiatives in Middlesex County. Established in 1935, it is one of Connecticut’s oldest environmental
organizations whose mission is to be a catalyst-- bringing people together and supporting organizations
to conserve and enhance the county’s natural environment. Rockfall awards grants each year to
organizations, schools and municipalities, and continues to hold and manage open space property in the
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