Tuesday, February 16, 2021

February 17, 2021-Happy Random Acts Of Kindness Day! Pass It On!

February 17, 2021-Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day!  Pass It On!


Wednesday, February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. It is easy to do and celebrate. All you have to do is to be extra kind and extra nice to someone that you know and don't know. 


Here are some ways to practice this random act of kindness on February 17th & every day such as compliment a stranger, treat a homeless person to lunch according to "Random Act of Kindness Day-February 17,2021" article from NationalToday.com. Also, say hello to people you don't know and people you do, write a positive handwritten note to your teacher, friend, coworker or supervisor, pick up litter at a public park or school, place positive notes at work and home, pay for someone’s coffee or snack, shovel someone’s driveway, check on a neighbor, spread cheer wherever you go and on social media. Most importantly, Smile. Once you do this today don't stop on February 17th.  Make it a habit and do it every day.


For more information about Random Act of Kindness Day please see the following websites:





Enjoy the videos







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