Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Public Service Announcement: An Ounce of Self-Care for Pain

For hip pain, foot pain, back pain and more.

Perhaps this post belongs on a blog, but that's not possible at this time. So please accept it as a public service suggestion: For all who suffer from early stages of foot, hip, back, and other postural pain or problems and are considering surgery as a remedy. (For advanced problems you should consult the appropriate doctor or sports medicine practitioner or orthopedic surgeon as well before trying these exercises.) (Please note that this author is someone who has successfully applied self-care practices for pain and not a physician or therapist of any kind.)

The postings in the links below describe reasonable alternatives to relieving moderate pain that your health care providers may not mention, and that are otherwise not widely discussed in most social circles. They come from the every-day web--yahoo lifestyle and a google search reference followup.

See also important and informative Comments in Amazon reviews and questions for insoles discussed below. An ounce of self-care is sometimes worth valuable time spent in pain or recovery or thousands of dollars saved on surgery, or both. For additional information and exercises, search online or talk with a sports medicine practitioner or orthopedic surgeon or physical therapist.

The intent is (to paraphrase) to live pain free and prosper without surgery. Good luck!



       See also the many websites and illustrations resulting from a search on "Williams Flexion Exercises" (please bear with the Korean notation below.) :

           Image result for Williams flexion exercises
 These simple exercises can help to keep you flexible and pain free.

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