Thursday, September 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Kit Reed, 1932-2017
YOGA on Main Street -- Double Your Pleasure
Back-to-back Yoga on Tuesdays
Yoga with Sybil
at MAC650
At 9:00 on Tuesdays, come do yoga with Sybil at MAC650, 650 Main Street in Middletown. Sybil is a gifted and intuitive teacher with a wide range of national and international experience in the deep well of yoga. She is affiliated with groups across the country and spends part of her year traveling, training, and leading workshops. With Sybil you may experience healing, subtle yoga that works to sooth tight muscles & release energy. For more information see About Sybil Merriman, E-RYT.
Intentional & Empowering Yoga
at The Buttonwood Tree
At 1:15 on Tuesdays, come to another flavor of yoga, with Theresa Govert, across the street at The Buttonwood Tree, 605 Main Street in Middletown. Theresa is an inspiring yoga instructor and feminist activist based out of East Haddam, CT. This is a fun, accessible, and supportive Hatha Yoga class that brings awareness to breathe, intention to movement and an emphasis on inner wisdom and body positivity. Leave feeling connected and empowered! About Theresa Govert, Intentional & empowering yoga
Think about it........ There's just enough time between classes to go across the street---either way---and shop at ION Market. Or have lunch at ION Restaurant. How much better can it get?! North End is A-Rising!
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North End A-Rising. |
at MAC650
At 9:00 on Tuesdays, come do yoga with Sybil at MAC650, 650 Main Street in Middletown. Sybil is a gifted and intuitive teacher with a wide range of national and international experience in the deep well of yoga. She is affiliated with groups across the country and spends part of her year traveling, training, and leading workshops. With Sybil you may experience healing, subtle yoga that works to sooth tight muscles & release energy. For more information see About Sybil Merriman, E-RYT.
Intentional & Empowering Yoga
at The Buttonwood Tree
At 1:15 on Tuesdays, come to another flavor of yoga, with Theresa Govert, across the street at The Buttonwood Tree, 605 Main Street in Middletown. Theresa is an inspiring yoga instructor and feminist activist based out of East Haddam, CT. This is a fun, accessible, and supportive Hatha Yoga class that brings awareness to breathe, intention to movement and an emphasis on inner wisdom and body positivity. Leave feeling connected and empowered! About Theresa Govert, Intentional & empowering yoga
Think about it........ There's just enough time between classes to go across the street---either way---and shop at ION Market. Or have lunch at ION Restaurant. How much better can it get?! North End is A-Rising!
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Free Cooking Series to Continue!
The Middletown Urban Agriculture Project is a community-based project to enhance agriculture in the City, funded by a grant from the National Association of Conservation Districts. Project partners include Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Forest City Farms, Long Lane Farm, the City of Middletown, Middletown High School Agricultural Science and Technology Program, North End Action Team, the Macdonough and Farm Hill School Family Resource Centers, and the FoodCorps program.
The Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Middletown, CT, works to conserve the natural resources of towns in the lower Connecticut River watershed and coastal areas. For more information about District technical and educational programs and services, visit us at, or
Notes From A Barn Raising in Middletown
by T.H. Clapping
Sabbath breaking. It happened on a Sunday. "Sabbath" is Hebrew for day of rest. The word has nothing to do with the number seven, even though Genesis says that on the seventh day God rested after six days of making things he pronounced "very good." For more on religion, see "topping out" below.
Outside agitators. If you want to do an old-fashioned New England barn raising, you hire a company to lead it. The professionals direct the work of all the friends you can entice to the site on the big day.
Goal-setting. The idea was to get the frame lifted, the roof beams in place, and the second-story floor in place before the lunch break. After lunch, the roof.
Post and beam. The structure was "post and beam," whatever that means (at a guess, it probably involves posts and beams). There was lots of lingo. Can't remember whether the words "joist" or "lally" were used. Wood had important notches and slots with special names.
Tools. Drills are wonderfully motorized these days. Didn't notice whether nail guns were in use, but why wouldn't they be? Could be useful in fending off a vindictive dryad (see below).
Mallets. There were big wooden mallets used to drive wooden pegs into holes in beams. The mallets looked as if they could bring the House of Commons to order with alacrity.
Leadership. The man in charge was Brendan. He was tall and not afraid of heights. He was used to command: a good, clear voice and good, clear language.
Example: "Lift with your knees, not your back.[Demonstrated with body language]) Lift when I say 'Lift.' I'll say, 'One, two, three, lift!' Don't lift on 'three,' lift on 'lift.'"
Distaff. One woman, famous for co-authoring a book on retrofitting existing houses to be elder-friendly, did heavy labor along with the men. Her co-author father was a spectator.
Others. There were plenty of women there, mostly spouses, and lots of children. Three dogs, one resident, two visiting.
Food. The food tables had the women to thank for loading them with lunch. No booze (safety), but some exotica: vanilla and orange flavored seltzer (that's one flavor, not two).
Brendan's mom. The crew boss's mother was there watching her son work. Nice.
Sun. Fittingly for a Sunday, it was sunny. The laborers had no shade. It was two days in one: in the sun, brutally hot. In the shade, cool and breezy. Pity the workers.
Stupid question. Able asked Baker, "Why are they putting down the second story floor before they put the roof panels on the roof beams?"
Baker's answer: "Because it's very hard to nail down flooring where the roof meets the barn wall." Able blushed at his lack of forethought.
The big picture. The new barn had only three walls because it abutted an existing sturdy old barn. The new barn was going where a rickety extension of the sturdy old barn had been.
Fun with words. The new barn addition was raised days after the old barn addition was razed.
Recycling. The old barn addition was so decayed that not much was salvageable. Everything went to the dump except a few timbers moved into the sturdy old barn to good effect, a number of roof panels re-used on the new addition, and an chest of gold coins accidentally uncovered during the foundation work. (Guess which part is a lie.)
Old custom 1. "Topping out" is placing a tree or leafy branch on the topmost wood, often with flags and streamers tied to it. No flags or streamers this time, just a big white pine branch.
Old custom 2. After "topping out," a toast is usually drunk and sometimes workers are treated to a meal. This event batted .500 in that department.
Old custom 3. The practice of topping out a new building can be traced to the ancient Scandinavian religious rite of placing a tree atop a new building to appease the tree-dwelling spirits displaced in its construction.
Dryads 1. "Dryad" is a Greek word for a tree-dwelling spirit. The "dr" in dryad and the "tr" in tree are related.
Dryads 2. Unless placated, displaced dryads can be really nasty. Think dybbuks, who weren't ancient Scandinavians, but could still be nasty and possessive.
Dogs. The three dogs on site all got along with each other. One was a four-month-old puppy who found it endlessly diverting to sniff lawn grass. When you're new, everything is new.
Spoilsports, complainers, malcontents. None to be found; it was a great day.
Sabbath breaking. It happened on a Sunday. "Sabbath" is Hebrew for day of rest. The word has nothing to do with the number seven, even though Genesis says that on the seventh day God rested after six days of making things he pronounced "very good." For more on religion, see "topping out" below.
Outside agitators. If you want to do an old-fashioned New England barn raising, you hire a company to lead it. The professionals direct the work of all the friends you can entice to the site on the big day.
Goal-setting. The idea was to get the frame lifted, the roof beams in place, and the second-story floor in place before the lunch break. After lunch, the roof.
Post and beam. The structure was "post and beam," whatever that means (at a guess, it probably involves posts and beams). There was lots of lingo. Can't remember whether the words "joist" or "lally" were used. Wood had important notches and slots with special names.
Tools. Drills are wonderfully motorized these days. Didn't notice whether nail guns were in use, but why wouldn't they be? Could be useful in fending off a vindictive dryad (see below).
Mallets. There were big wooden mallets used to drive wooden pegs into holes in beams. The mallets looked as if they could bring the House of Commons to order with alacrity.
Leadership. The man in charge was Brendan. He was tall and not afraid of heights. He was used to command: a good, clear voice and good, clear language.
Example: "Lift with your knees, not your back.[Demonstrated with body language]) Lift when I say 'Lift.' I'll say, 'One, two, three, lift!' Don't lift on 'three,' lift on 'lift.'"
Distaff. One woman, famous for co-authoring a book on retrofitting existing houses to be elder-friendly, did heavy labor along with the men. Her co-author father was a spectator.
Others. There were plenty of women there, mostly spouses, and lots of children. Three dogs, one resident, two visiting.
Food. The food tables had the women to thank for loading them with lunch. No booze (safety), but some exotica: vanilla and orange flavored seltzer (that's one flavor, not two).
Brendan's mom. The crew boss's mother was there watching her son work. Nice.
Sun. Fittingly for a Sunday, it was sunny. The laborers had no shade. It was two days in one: in the sun, brutally hot. In the shade, cool and breezy. Pity the workers.
Stupid question. Able asked Baker, "Why are they putting down the second story floor before they put the roof panels on the roof beams?"
Baker's answer: "Because it's very hard to nail down flooring where the roof meets the barn wall." Able blushed at his lack of forethought.
The big picture. The new barn had only three walls because it abutted an existing sturdy old barn. The new barn was going where a rickety extension of the sturdy old barn had been.
Fun with words. The new barn addition was raised days after the old barn addition was razed.
Recycling. The old barn addition was so decayed that not much was salvageable. Everything went to the dump except a few timbers moved into the sturdy old barn to good effect, a number of roof panels re-used on the new addition, and an chest of gold coins accidentally uncovered during the foundation work. (Guess which part is a lie.)
Old custom 1. "Topping out" is placing a tree or leafy branch on the topmost wood, often with flags and streamers tied to it. No flags or streamers this time, just a big white pine branch.
Old custom 2. After "topping out," a toast is usually drunk and sometimes workers are treated to a meal. This event batted .500 in that department.
Old custom 3. The practice of topping out a new building can be traced to the ancient Scandinavian religious rite of placing a tree atop a new building to appease the tree-dwelling spirits displaced in its construction.
Dryads 1. "Dryad" is a Greek word for a tree-dwelling spirit. The "dr" in dryad and the "tr" in tree are related.
Dryads 2. Unless placated, displaced dryads can be really nasty. Think dybbuks, who weren't ancient Scandinavians, but could still be nasty and possessive.
Dogs. The three dogs on site all got along with each other. One was a four-month-old puppy who found it endlessly diverting to sniff lawn grass. When you're new, everything is new.
Spoilsports, complainers, malcontents. None to be found; it was a great day.
Flu Shots Available At Church and City Offices
MDA 36: Cromwell, Durham, Middlefield, Middletown Health Departments
Featuring Flublok Vaccine*
September 30, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cross Street A. M. E. Zion Church, 440 West Street, Middletown
October 7, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
South Fire District Fire Station, 445 Randolph Road, Middletown
October 14, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Westfield Fire Station, 653 East Street, Middletown
October 18, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
City Hall Council Chamber, 245 deKoven Drive, Middletown
October 25, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Town Hall Gymnasium, 41 West Street, Cromwell
November 1, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Community Center, 405 Main Street, Middlefield
November 7, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Activity Center (2nd floor), 350 Main Street, Durham
November 14, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
City Hall Council Chamber, 245 deKoven Drive, Middletown
Featuring Flublok Vaccine*
September 30, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cross Street A. M. E. Zion Church, 440 West Street, Middletown
October 7, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
South Fire District Fire Station, 445 Randolph Road, Middletown
October 14, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Westfield Fire Station, 653 East Street, Middletown
October 18, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
City Hall Council Chamber, 245 deKoven Drive, Middletown
October 25, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Town Hall Gymnasium, 41 West Street, Cromwell
November 1, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Community Center, 405 Main Street, Middlefield
November 7, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Activity Center (2nd floor), 350 Main Street, Durham
November 14, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
City Hall Council Chamber, 245 deKoven Drive, Middletown
• Must be at least 4 years of age and in good health
• Vaccine administered by injection only (nasal spray not available)
• Flublok vaccine offered to participants 18 years of age and older
• Traditional vaccine for those under 18 years of age
• Bring valid ID & insurance card (co-payment not required)
• Participants without insurance may be eligible to receive vaccine at no charge
• Residency not required
• Appointments not necessary (first-come, first-served)
Save time: download and complete your Immunization Consent Form
Flu clinics sponsored by Mass Dispensing Area 36: Cromwell (860.632.3462); Durham (860.349.8253); Middlefield (860.349.7123); Middletown (860.638.4960) Health Departments.
*A pure, safe and highly effective vaccine which does not contain the influenza virus, eggs or other potentially harmful ingredients. FDA approved for adults 18 years of age and older.
For more information about Flublok, visit
Monday, September 25, 2017
Newest Artist-In-Residence on the New England Trail performs free show Wednesday
The Connecticut Forest & Park Association’s latest New England Trail Artist-in-Residence, Ben Cosgrove, will perform and talk about his upcoming residency Wednesday night at the Wesleyan University science center. Ben composes and performs music inspired by New England landscapes, and will spend the next 12 months writing and performing music inspired by the New England Trail (NET).
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The New England Trail, from Long Island Sound to Mount Monadnock. Plenty of parking! (Click to embiggen.) |
The New England Trail runs 215 miles from the Guilford shore to the Massachusetts/New Hampshire Border, ("from the Sound to the Summits"), and in 2009 became one of just eleven federally-designated national scenic trails. It's comprised primarily of the historic Mattabesett, Metacomet, and Monadnock Trail systems and passes through 42 communities in Connecticut and Massachusetts, including Middletown.
The New England Trail Artist-in-Residence program is a project of the Connecticut Forest & Park Association, the Appalachian Mountain Club and the National Park Service. The artists help to create and deepen people's connections to the land, particularly the shared resource of the New England Trail. Past artists include poet David K. Leff, and photographers Xiomaro and Barbara Bosworth.
Ben performs regularly all over the country, writes scores for films, plays, radio, and television, and has produced several well-received albums of original instrumental work. He says the strongest forces guiding his compositions are his deep interests in landscape, place, and ecology.
Wednesday's event is co-sponsored by Wesleyan University’s Earth & Environmental Science Department. Further details here on CFPA's web site.
When: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Video: title track to Ben's album "Salt"
Free Film Series to Feature Forgotten Farms
The 2017-2018 season of The Elements: An Annual Environmental Film Series
will kick off Monday, October 2, 2017 with a screening of Forgotten
Farms, about New England's dairy farmers. The film will be shown at
7 pm, at Wesleyan University's Powell Family Cinema, 310 Washington
Terrace, Middletown (directions). All films are open to the public and free of charge!
As stated on the film's website, New England has lost over 10,000 dairy farms in the past 50 years, and fewer than 2,000 farms remain. Collectively, these farms tend 1.2 million acres of farmland and produce almost all of the milk consumed in New England. In our enthusiasm for the new food movement, we often overlook the farmers at the foundation of the regional agricultural economy. Only 100 years ago, New England produced most of its own food on 16 million acres of farmland. Climate change will demand that more of our food is grown closer to where we live. As we strive to revive local production, we have much to learn from dairy farmers who have been managing most of the farmland and sustaining the farm economy all along. Through conversations with farmers and policy experts, the film reconsiders the role of these vital but forgotten farmers.
After the film, everyone is welcome to stay for an informal discussion. If you have questions please contact our office, 860-346-3282.
This film screening is part of The Elements: An Annual Environmental Film Series, begun in 2015 by the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Middlesex Community College Environmental Science Program, The Rockfall Foundation, and Wesleyan University's Center for the Arts and College of the Environment.
We hope you can join us!
As stated on the film's website, New England has lost over 10,000 dairy farms in the past 50 years, and fewer than 2,000 farms remain. Collectively, these farms tend 1.2 million acres of farmland and produce almost all of the milk consumed in New England. In our enthusiasm for the new food movement, we often overlook the farmers at the foundation of the regional agricultural economy. Only 100 years ago, New England produced most of its own food on 16 million acres of farmland. Climate change will demand that more of our food is grown closer to where we live. As we strive to revive local production, we have much to learn from dairy farmers who have been managing most of the farmland and sustaining the farm economy all along. Through conversations with farmers and policy experts, the film reconsiders the role of these vital but forgotten farmers.
After the film, everyone is welcome to stay for an informal discussion. If you have questions please contact our office, 860-346-3282.
This film screening is part of The Elements: An Annual Environmental Film Series, begun in 2015 by the Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Middlesex Community College Environmental Science Program, The Rockfall Foundation, and Wesleyan University's Center for the Arts and College of the Environment.
We hope you can join us!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Read for the Right to Read at Russell Library!
Banned Books Week is the annual celebration of the freedom to read.
For this year's celebration, we have members of the community as well as members of the Russell Library staff reading from banned books of their choice.
The dates & times of the read alouds are as follows:
Monday September 25 from 5:00 to 6:00pm, Dic Wheeler of ArtFarm will begin the read alouds with a selection from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Dr. Helen Evrard will be reading from Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Others, including staff members, will be reading from banned books of their choice.
Tuesday September 26 from 5:00 to 6:30pm, Richard Kamins of Readers Theater, and others, will read aloud from banned books of their choice.
Wednesday September 27 from 1:00 to 2:00pm (or later) Kristin Palmer of Oddfellows Playhouse, and others, will read from banned books of their choice.
All of the community is invited to participate!
Drop by and pick out a passage from your favorite banned book. Banned Books Week emphasizes the importance of the First Amendment, which guarantees our inherent right to read.
For this year's celebration, we have members of the community as well as members of the Russell Library staff reading from banned books of their choice.
The dates & times of the read alouds are as follows:
Monday September 25 from 5:00 to 6:00pm, Dic Wheeler of ArtFarm will begin the read alouds with a selection from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass. Dr. Helen Evrard will be reading from Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Others, including staff members, will be reading from banned books of their choice.
Tuesday September 26 from 5:00 to 6:30pm, Richard Kamins of Readers Theater, and others, will read aloud from banned books of their choice.
Wednesday September 27 from 1:00 to 2:00pm (or later) Kristin Palmer of Oddfellows Playhouse, and others, will read from banned books of their choice.
All of the community is invited to participate!
Drop by and pick out a passage from your favorite banned book. Banned Books Week emphasizes the importance of the First Amendment, which guarantees our inherent right to read.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
PAC Created to Support Building of New Middle School
A group of Middletown residents have created a political action committee to urge fellow residents to vote "yes" on a referendum item to fund the building of a new middle school. The referendum question will appear on the ballot. A "yes" vote favors building a new middle school.
The PAC, called MiddleSchoolYes, has created a website to disseminate information, and to collect a small amount of money to fund the printing of campaign handouts.
The PAC, called MiddleSchoolYes, has created a website to disseminate information, and to collect a small amount of money to fund the printing of campaign handouts.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Saturday Jazz (Up Close + Solo)
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News@Wesleyan |
Boccato, who has worked and/or and recorded dozens of contemporary musicians including bassist John Pattitucci, composer Maria Schneider's Orchestra, vocalist Michael Franks, and UCONN/Storrs Professor of Music Earl MacDonald, teaches at the Manhattan School of Music and has served on the Percussion Faculty at the Hartt School/University of Hartford. He also has a long association with artists from his home country including Milton Nascimento, Dori Caymmi, Hermeto Pascoal, and the late Antonio Carlos Jobim.
This should be a fascinating concert, with good insights into the world of percussion and creative music. Bring your questions! For more information, go to
Here's Senhor Boccato playing with Hartford natives Luques & Zaccai Curtis (The Curtis Brothers) on their "Completion of Proof" album:
Pianist, composer, and educator Laszlo Gardony returns to The Buttonwood Tree, 605 Main Street in Middletown, on Saturday (9/23) at 8 p.m. for a concert of solo piano music. Professor Gardony, who is on the faculty of the Berklee College of Music in Boston, is a frequent visitor to The Buttonwood. He's in town to celebrate the release of his latest Sunnyside Records album, "Serious Play", a delightful collection of works including a number of originals and standards such as "Georgia on My Mind" and John Coltrane's "Naima." The pianist pays with great fire, great emotion and has a lifetime love for melody and improvisation. I know for a fact he loves playing in the intimate performance space because of the receptive audiences and how close people sit.
For ticket information, go to or call 860-347-4957. To find out more about the pianist, go to
Here is the title track of his splendid new album:
Monday, September 18, 2017
Board of Education Votes to Hire Dr. Michael T. Conner As New Superintendent
At a special meeting on Monday night September 18, The Board of Education voted unanimously to hire Dr. Michael T. Conner as new superintendent of schools for Middletown. Board members Linda Szynkowicz and Cheryl McClellan were not present for the vote. Common Council members Gene Nocera, Gerry Daley, Deb Kleckowski and Bob Santangelo were among the many members of the public, teachers, principals, administrators and city leaders who were in the room for the vote. Mayor Dan Drew was not present.
Conner will replace Pat Charles who will be retiring in November.
The public vote at the Monday's followed a unanimous vote by the selection committee.
Conner thanked the Board and the city for welcoming him, and his family to the city.
Conner has been in Norwalk since 2015, working under Superintendent Steven Adamowski. Conner also worked for Adamowski in Windham where Adamowski was appointed as "Special Master" by the State Department of Education after Windham failed to meet state standards in test score improvement. As a result, the State designated Windham a "turnaround" district and took control of the Board of Education.
In Norwalk, where Conner was Chief Academic Officer, the district recently reported closing the achievement gap by one-third.
Conner will replace Pat Charles who will be retiring in November.
The public vote at the Monday's followed a unanimous vote by the selection committee.
Conner thanked the Board and the city for welcoming him, and his family to the city.
Conner has been in Norwalk since 2015, working under Superintendent Steven Adamowski. Conner also worked for Adamowski in Windham where Adamowski was appointed as "Special Master" by the State Department of Education after Windham failed to meet state standards in test score improvement. As a result, the State designated Windham a "turnaround" district and took control of the Board of Education.
In Norwalk, where Conner was Chief Academic Officer, the district recently reported closing the achievement gap by one-third.
New Schools Superintendent
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From a profile in 2015 |
The Board of Education will vote on Conner's hiring at their meeting tonight (7:30 PM, Council Chambers).
Friday, September 15, 2017
The Buttonwood tree goes ELECTRIC for BOB DYLAN!!
Suzanne Sheridan Band
September 15 8 - 10 pm
The music of BOB DYLAN tonight at TBT!
Some singers sing but there are others who possess powers beyond putting notes to words. When Suzanne Sheridan sings you could swear she knows you, that she is singing to you, that she understands your soul. And she is also a great entertainer.
She is uniquely a philosopher/songwriter in her own right and a performer who knows how to cover the music of other great songwriters including Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Carly Simon, and James Taylor.
You will be treated to all the above and probably some surprises as she returns to The Buttonwood Tree with her band, The Suzanne Sheridan Band – Bob Cooper on keyboards; Colin Healy on fiddle, mandolin, harmonica and backup vocals; and Paul Horton on electric lead guitar.
Ann Sweeten: Solo Piano Concert
September 16 8 - 9:30 pm
$18After nearly 20 years of enamoring audiences on the Concert stage and on Radio/Internet Airwaves, Ann Sweeten’s signature style is recognized world-wide and now her new album, Where Butterflies Dance is without question her most ambitious and successful to date. Will Ackerman, co-producer, had this to say: There is no greater compliment I can give any musician than to say they have their own artistic voice. They are uniquely themselves and bring something utterly their own to the world. Ann Sweeten is one of those rare musicians. The grace one associates with Ann’s performance has been matched by what I believe are the best melodies of her career. At a time when many artists might choose to coast on their notoriety, Ann has raised the bar considerably and we, the listeners, are the beneficiaries of her ambition and skill. Really brilliant.
One of the most decorated pianists of the past decade with 7 previous albums all ranking in the Top 5 NAR and ZMR Radio Reports, Sweeten is also one of the most played modern instrumentalists in North America. A truly well-rounded individual and artist, Ms. Sweeten is a staunch environmentalist, animal activist and vegetarian. In addition to her Concert and Recording career, she is also a professional actress/singer/dancer with Actor’s Equity Association. Ann Sweeten is herself a Breast Cancer survivor twice over and is involved with the Arts in Healthcare Initiative.
The Buttonwood Tree Performing Arts & Cultural Center
605 Main Street / PO Box 71, Middletown, CT 06457 / 860.347.4957
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Video Of Main Street Stroll
Last Saturday, hundreds of people enjoyed live music, arts, children's activities, and a parade on Main Street. The event was organized by Wesleyan, and many of Main Street's businesses eagerly participated. The stores and restaurants were full.
Aldon Hynes, Community Health Center's Wondrous Wizard of Widgets, shot video of the parade.
DJI_0001 from Community Health Center, Inc. on Vimeo.
Aldon Hynes, Community Health Center's Wondrous Wizard of Widgets, shot video of the parade.
DJI_0001 from Community Health Center, Inc. on Vimeo.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Meet and Greet Democratic Candidates, September 18
Action Together – Middlesex County and the Greater
Middletown Young Democrats will be hosting a Meet the Candidates night for the
democratic candidates running for Board of Education and Planning & Zoning
in Middletown, CT.
The event will be held on Monday, September 18th
in the Hubbard Room at Russell Library (123 Broad St. Middletown, CT) with a
reception at 6:00PM and panel questions beginning promptly at 6:30.
This will be a great opportunity to learn about the
candidates running and what their vision is for Middletown.
Please submit questions to:
Ballot Set For November 7 Election

Deputy Democratic Registrar Bill Boyd stands by the results (click photo to enlarge).
Eye disclosure: The author is one of the candidates for Planning and Zoning Commission.
Friday, September 8, 2017
Strange Doorway to Another World Closes in Middletown -- The Colonel Carries On #100
by Bishop Fortunatianus, Bible commentator, and Matt N.A. Idol, heartthrob
Epigraph: “Why pay for what you can get for free?” --Passphrase to get into Louis’s Speakhard
“Hetti” is a nickname for the English girl’s names Harriet, Hester, and Henrietta, all of which derive from “Henry,” meaning “Lord of the Manor.”
Hetti Bywater’s formal name is Harriet Jessica P Bywater (born 10 September 1994). The “P” is apparently like the “S” in Harry S Truman: no following period and it stands for nothing but itself.
I know you’re racking your brain trying to remember who Hetti Bywater is. Well, let your brain off the rack. She’s that English actress best known for playing Lucy Beale in the BBC soap opera “East Enders.” Now it comes back to you!
Free Cooking Series to Highlight Local Veggies
The Middletown Urban Agriculture Project is a community-based project to enhance agriculture in the City, funded by a grant from the National Association of Conservation Districts. Project partners include Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District, Forest City Farms, Long Lane Farm, the City of Middletown, Middletown High School Agricultural Science and Technology Program, North End Action Team, the Macdonough and Farm Hill School Family Resource Centers, and the FoodCorps program.
The Connecticut River Coastal Conservation District Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Middletown, CT, works to conserve the natural resources of towns in the lower Connecticut River watershed and coastal areas. For more information about District technical and educational programs and services, visit us at, or
Main Street Stroll on Saturday
This Saturday, September 9, is the Main Street Stroll!
It's a downtown event that showcases the businesses and organizations that make our little town great. There will be music, magic, arts, & activities for all ages.
It's all FREE.
Some highlights:
• A community bike ride from 9 to 10 am, starting at Pedal Power.
• Have Tea & Scones with Brian O'Rourke from 2:30 to 3:30 pm in his side garden and talk about town's past, present & future
• There's a Sidewalk Parade at 12:30, making a loop starting at Holy Trinity Church. We'll be led by a brass band called The Funky Dawgz.
• If you're young (or young at heart) you can make a harmonica or decorate a hat or parasol to carry in the parade (crafts are happening at the Parade Prep HQ that we are setting up in the empty storefront at 420 Main.)
• Have you always been curious about the stained glass windows at Holy Trinity Church? They are giving tours from 10 am to 2 pm.
• Are you a musician? Bring your instrument and join the Jazz Jam with Noah Baerman, or the bluegrass and old time music jams, or sign up to play at the open mic in front of Holy Trinity. If you are a songwriter, join Jess Best for a workshop at The Buttonwood.
• Do you like to listen to music? You have SO many options. Some at the bookstore, some on the church lawn, some inside the shops around town.
You have to go to the website to see more! See you on Main Street.
(Thanks to the City of Middletown, the Downtown Business District and Wesleyan University for funding this event!)
-Jen Alexander
Thursday, September 7, 2017
The Friends of the Russell Library Book Sale is This Weekend!
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The Friends' Sale happens in the Activity Room of the library. |
This is the first sale since last June, so there are many new books, CDs and DVDs from which to choose!
Come and take advantage of all the donations that have been received over the summer!
The Friends of the Russell Library is a non-profit organization of citizens who believe that an excellent library is essential to a community. Since its founding in 1983, the Friends have made significant contributions to the Library. Thanks to money from donations and book sales, the Friends have contributed more than $500,000 to improve services.
Goals of the Friends:
Bring together citizens who appreciate a fine
library and will devote time to it.
Encourage the community to recognize and use the
Raise money for programs which are needed, but
funds are not in the City budget.
Ways to become involved:
- Become a member! Pick up a membership form the next time you visit
or click on the website:
- Donate! The
Friends of Russell Library is a 501 (c) 3 organization. Donations
are tax deductible.
- Volunteer! Friends volunteer to work at used book sales and special events
In 2016-17, the Friends funded a wide range of educational and cultural programs:
Museum Passes –
The Friends provide the popular Museum Passes, providing free access or
discounts to nearly 20 cultural, educational and recreational facilities around
the state.
Adult Cultural Programs
Book discussions (on Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird )
Caroline Doctorow Concert
Classical Favorites Concert
Elizabeth Thomas: Poetry for
Mothers and Daughters
Ensemble Schumann (classical
music trio)
Flutists Michael Pestel and
Peter Standaart
Gershwin! (violinist and
Hip Hop Cultural History
“Indra” (Jazz/R&B ensemble)
Middletown International Film
Festival (8th Annual!)
Money Smart Week (financial
Readers Theater (dramatization
of plays with local actors)
Russell Readers (book
discussions using the Great Books method)
Tellabration (storytelling)
Summer Reading Program
Veterans’ Writing Group
Teen Programs
Crafternoon activities (combining science and art)
Graphics illustration workshop
Writing workshop
Children’s Programs
Bending Gravity
Program (with Eric Girard)
Book Voyagers
Program (mother/daughter book discussion)
Summer Reading
Young People’s
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