Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Remember to Meet Your Greens Tonight with State Rep. Matt Lesser

Meet Your Greens, Middlesex County monthly green drinks networking gathering, will meet at Cypress Restaurant tonight,  5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Come meet our State Rep. Matt Lesser and hear about how the environment fared in the past legislative session.

Matt Lesser, now in his third term representing the 100th Assembly District (Middletown), has earned a lifetime 100% voting record from the CT League of Conservation Voters and is active in the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators.  As Assistant Majority Leader, he serves on the Energy & Technology Committee, is chair of the Legislative Subcommittee of the Appropriations Committee and is vice chair of the Government Administration and Elections Committee. He will share  news on such state issues as fracking waste storage, protecting open space, and expanding support for renewable energy.  Bring your questions (and a friend!)   
Remember, come as you are and no reservations required!

The Cypress Restaurant, specializing in home-style cooking served in a "cozy, informal atmosphere," was first opened by the Carta family on May 30th, 1936.
 1265 South Main Street

Coming up in June: Save-the-date for our annual Ct. River green drinks cruise, hosted by our friends on board the RiverQuest. June 10--details and instructions for making your reservation to come.

Meet Your Greens is Middlesex County's monthly green drinks happy-hour network providing opportunities to make connections and exchange news about environmental issues in Middlesex County. Based on the popular Green Drinks in CT and nationwide, this informal gathering of people drawn from the community, nonprofit groups and the business world offers time to brainstorm ideas and plant seeds for collaboration. All are welcome with no reservations or advanced registration necessary.

Meet Your Greens meets every third Tuesday of the month. Venues and times change-- join our e-list for updates and invites by contacting Claire Rusowicz,crusowicz@rockfallfoundation.org; or Cristina Gastador Hayden, cristina.gastador@gmail.com. You can also join us on Facebook ("Meet Your Greens"). Schedule updates are also provided on The Rockfall Foundation website.

The Rockfall Foundation supports environmental education, conservation programs and planning initiatives in Middlesex County. Established in 1935, it is one of Connecticut’s oldest environmental organizations whose mission is to be a catalyst-- bringing people together and supporting organizations to conserve and enhance the county’s natural environment. Rockfall awards grants each year to organizations, schools and municipalities, and sponsors educational programs and symposia.

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