The controversy over the Council's vote on May 14th to eliminate funding for the Arts Coordinator position, and its unsuccessful over-ride of the Mayor's veto (which restored that funding), has become intensely personal since the Tuesday Council meeting, when at least 50 people came to protest in favor of the Arts.
Mayor Dan Drew used Facebook to lash out at Councilman Seb Giuliano over a message Giuliano sent to each member on the Commission on the Arts. Drew called the message "unhinged" and its author "arrogant"; he calls past accusations by Giuliano "wild and untrue".
Giuliano, in his letter to the Commission members, accused them of selfish, lawless behavior, and accused one of them of insulting him.
The text of the messages are below (click to enlarge).
Mayor Drew's Facebook post. Click to Enlarge
Councilman Giuliano's letter to the Arts Commission
Everyone enjoys a good story, especially this diverse troupe of storytellers. Based in the capitol of Hartford, these individuals are trained in the art of the Moth Formula: enthralling, true stories that are often funny, personal, poignant, or ironic. As with every show, their stories all revolve around a single theme. Audiences are invited to come up and share their stories, too!
Join us for a night of good stories and greater company.
Jen Allen is a composer whose craft is praised for being blunt, real; not unlike a diary, written from her own life and shared with the world without trepidation. Jen's newest album, 'In a Time of Change,' is her encapsulation of our changing world and the complicated feelings that come with it.
Share this personal revelation with us, this Saturday.
Sample of Jen's Jazz Quartet:
'Remembering Nature' by Candice Weigle-Spier
Friday, June 1 - 30, Free Admission
Have you ever wondered what people see in nature? Why they are passionate about our world’s natural beauty? Or are you just an art fanatic? Local collage and watercolor painter, Candice Weigle-Spier, is one herself. Throughout the month of June, she will be hosting her newest collection at the Buttonwood Tree: Remembering Nature, a series constructed entirely from discarded materialsrepresenting the beauty of nature in media that are instrumental in its demise.
Come by, and understand nature through the eyes of a truly passionate artist.
Got a talent you just have to share with the rest of the world? Then come on by to The Buttonwood Tree, where the mic is open to any and all who've got at least one creative bone within them. This time, our hosts is the guitarist double team, Terri Lachance, who is the songwriter, and Rob Desorbo.
Come on down, even just to watch! Performances are interspersed with 'Moments of Gratitude,' where we take a second to remember the hidden good in life underneath all of the apparent bad.
While your typical yoga class is centered around freeing the body of tension, laughter yoga does the very same but for your mood! No yoga mats required. Simply dress comfortably, and engage in an hour of easy and fun meditation that is sure to brighten your mood and reduce stress.
The Common Council, after hearing 90 minutes of impassioned pleas, voted to sustain funding for the Arts Coordinator, Environmental and Planning Specialist, and a librarian, along with several other minor programs.
The majority on the Council was clearly swayed by the large crowd of people who came out to support the arts, the environment, and the library. Thirty people spoke, most of them testifying to the importance of the arts for the community.
After the public spoke, Councilman Daley defended the Council's support for the arts, the environment, and the library, by pointing to the overall size of the appropriation that was given. He conceded, however, that for the sake of continuity, he would be supporting the funding of the three positions.
Councilman Pessina spoke at length about how important the arts were to him to the city, and especially to the children, "Arts play a pivotable role ... I, for one, have always supported the arts ... I have always advocated for children since the day I put the badge on my chest."
Councilman Blanchard said, "Arts ... are the cornerstone of the community."
Sebastian Giuliano seemed to acknowledge that the Council had made a mistake in not funding the three positions, "Stuff falls through the cracks all the time." He nevertheless voted against the mayor's budget veto, claiming that the budget as vetoed was not balanced. He was corrected by Gerry Daley, who said that the result of the mayor's veto would be a budget that was budgeted to the nearest rounding of the tax rate.
The 7 to 3 vote was a reversal of position for most of the council members who were present. The two who voted AGAINST the council's proposed budget on May 14, voted to protect that same budget from the mayor's veto on May 29th. And 7 of the 10 who had been FOR the council's proposed budget on May 14, voted to agree with the mayor's veto on May 29th.
The 2018 regular session of the State Legislature has come to a close. There were a number of bills that were controversial. This is the sixth of a series of brief reports on how those who represent our city voted in the capitol. The description of the bill is from a State publication, Major Public Acts. Previous posts: Gun Safety Measure, Educational Assistance for Undocumented Residents, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, New Clean Energy Program, Health Care Minimums. ------------------------
A new law seeks to increase the flow of venture capital to the state by allowing a state personal income tax deduction for the income a venture capital fund’s general partners receive from investing in Connecticut-based bioscience businesses. They may claim this deduction only for income from eligible investments made on or after January 1, 2018 through a fund established on or after that date (sSB 266, as amended by Senate “A,” effective July 1, 2018, and applicable to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018).
The Senate vote was 36 to 0, the House passed the bill 139 to 11.
Rep. Matthew Lesser (D), who represents our city in the State Legislature, is inviting people to meet with him for coffee and a discussion of issues and any concerns they may have or if they need assistance with matters involving the state.
Representative Lesser will be available from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 30, at Dunkin Donuts, 648 South Main Street.
Hello, My name is Belle and I was found as a young pregnant stray by Cat Tales. And this is my last kitten left, Loris. We are hoping to get adopted together because we love each other very much. I’m a very good mommy and very protective over my babies. Loris is a very sweet little girl who loves to play although she can be shy at times. We both love to be petted and just crave attention as we’re both basically kittens! We can go home in June after our spays, hopefully together! Call or email Cat Tales to put down a deposit to hold us or come to meet us – ask for Belle & Loris. Please adopt us both today!
The 2018 regular session of the State Legislature has come to a close. There were a number of bills that were controversial. This is the sixth of a series of brief reports on how those who represent our city voted in the capitol. The description of the bill is from a State publication, Major Public Acts. Previous posts: Gun Safety Measure, Educational Assistance for Undocumented Residents, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, New Clean Energy Program. ------------------------
A new law requires individual and small employer group health insurance policies to cover 10
essential health benefits and prohibits the policies from including annual or lifetime limits on their
dollar value. The benefits, which most policies must already cover under the federal Affordable Care
Act, include ambulatory patient services, emergency services, hospitalization, maternity and
newborn health care, mental health and substance use disorder services, prescription drugs,
rehabilitative and habilitative services, laboratory services, preventive and wellness services, and
pediatric services. The new law also requires insurance policies to cover contraceptive drugs,
devices, and products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, including a 12-month
supply when prescribed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice
registered nurse .
The Senate vote was 19 to 17, the House passed the bill 97 to 42 (11 absent).
So, as we head toward Tuesday evening’s Council meeting (with pre-show entertainment provided by the City’s incensed community of artists, arts organizations, arts advocates, and others who recognize the arts and culture as an economic catalyst, enhancer of the quality of life, magnet for creative thinkers and “the abstract and brief chronicles of the time”) I am frustrated by the lack of information and lack of response provided by the members of our Council.
Why has the Council chosen to select this little micro-office for abandonment? What is the plan going forward for managing the granting programs and many other programs and events supervised by the Arts Office over the past 40 years? What is the message intended by selecting this specific office for dissolution?
I have received little niblets of information through the town’s rumor mill, but several direct communications with my friends and acquaintances on the Council have been met with silence. One rumor has something to do with taking a year to look at and revise the job description for the Arts Coordinator? Another tells me about making it a half-time position and moving the coordination of things like Kids Arts to Parks and Rec?
Why does this conversation seem to be happening in the world of back room deals, in coffee shop cliques of council members or side rooms of the Democratic Town Committee? Why is there no public dialog at this important moment of transition when the town should be thoughtfully and democratically moving forward to create a stronger and more empowered Arts Office?
Now is the time, frankly, with downtown pretty healthy and Middletown something of a magnet for visitors in search of food and drink, to expand this office and its mission, not eliminate, shrink or devalue it. The Arts deserve a full-time director with full-time administrative staff person. In that configuration the Director might be able to do what a Director should really be doing – being a strong advocate for the arts; working closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development to craft the place of the arts in the economic and cultural future of Middletown; providing support, advice and assistance to artists, arts organizations, businesses, educational institutions, government, foundations and others wanting to impact and drive our City’s future through the arts and arts-related activities. By making the arts office small and unempowered, we are engaging in small thinking about our future. Now is the time to recognize the impact of the arts on the life, economy and image of a community and increase and support that position.
You want an updated job description? I can give you one in 30 minutes that will be just as adequate and accurate as anything that comes out of a year going through the Arts Commission, General Counsel, Finance Committee and Government Committee -- and it will save a lot of time and money. Advocacy. Empowerment. Vision. Economic Development. Support for our cultural assets.
I will see you all tomorrow evening, but am happy to dialog with anyone before then. My cell phone number is (860) 202-2868. Every smidgen of information that has come to me so far just seems wrong, politicized, and short-sighted. The arts don’t cost money. The arts make money for a community. Arts support is not a subsidy, it is an investment that historically pays off many times over. Don’t think small and act from a place of caution, personality and politics. Think big and work from a place of vision, potential and investment in our future. Restore the Arts Office to the City Department that it once was, give the Arts and Culture Director a seat at the City Directors’ table, believe in the fantastic future of Middletown. Do the right thing.
Thanks for your time, patience and commitment. I really respect the work that you all do.
In a week when Middletown residents will protest the elimination of the position of Arts Coordinator for the City on Tuesday evening, guitarist/composer Amanda Monaco and her ensemble will perform music inspired by the "Pirkei Avot" translated as "Ethics of Our Fathers." These ethical and moral principles are teachings gleaned from the Mishnah, described as "an edited record of the complex body of material known as oral Torah that was transmitted in the aftermath of the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E."
The performance takes place at 7 p.m. on Thursday May 31 in the Hubbard Room of The Russell Library, 123 Broad Street in Middletown as part of Noah Baerman's refreshing "Jazz Up Close" series. Pianist, composer, author, and educator Baerman created the series when he was "named Artistic Director of Resonant Motion, Inc., an organization that seeks to explore and deepen connections between music and social causes" (read more at He has brought musicians from around the country to the Library where they perform original material and answer questions from the audience. Ms. Monaco, who has been a friend and musical associate of Mr. Baerman since high school, is the first performer for the "Sound Belief" series, a program of music inspired by the artist's religious beliefs, faith, and studies. (Author's note: I had the honor of presenting Ms. Monaco's "Pirkei Avot: Volume I" at Congregation Adath Israel several years ago. The performance was quite moving.) For Thursday's event, the guitarist and Baerman will be playing newer songs based on the "Pirkei Avot" alongside the expressive vocalist Tammy Sheffer, recorder master Daphna Mor, bassist Henry Lugo, and percussionist Rogerio Boccato. Like all events at The Russell Library, the performance is free and open to the public. For more information, click on
Here's a piece from Volume 1 of "The Pirkei Avot Project" featuring Ms. Monaco and Ms. Mor plus bassist Sean Conly, percussionist Satoshi Takeishi, and vocalist Ayelet Rose Gottlieb:
If you were planning to dine at Tibetan Kitchen tonight (Fri, 5/25), you would have been out of luck, since a water main break in the Ferry St. neighborhood has forced them to close temporarily.
But the good folks at O'Rourke's Diner are allowing Tibetan Kitchen Restaurant to use the diner tonight instead! So head to O'Rourke's for some Tibetan food tonight (cash only), and stop by for breakfast with Brian in the morning.
From Lee Godburn, Chair of the Middletown Arts Commission. ---------------------
Fellow citizens,
I have served on Middletown’s Arts Commission for many years now. Most of you who know me know I strongly involve myself in arts related issues but try to stay away from political ones. I have, through my own discovery and that of other Commissioners thoroughly listened to all sides of this debate. Explored all options, weighed all valid points and collectively have come up with the conclusion that the loss, even temporarily, of the arts coordinator’s position would be not only a backward step for the city of Middletown, but a disastrous blow to the community in a multitude of areas for years to come. Anyone who does not see the drastic effect that this will cause has no business governing an “arts city”.
The only lucid move to end all the current and future turmoil associated with this veto is to have the council vote not to override it and agree to equitably handle some current points of contention. This answer of course is based on what would be the best course of action for the people, and not what would best satisfy the personal agendas of certain individuals. Therefore, I’d like to ask all concerned individuals and arts advocates to join us in a united front to save this position and thus the quality of life you’ve come to expect in this city.
I have great respect for our Councilmen, their tireless efforts, long hours and devoted service to making Middletown the best place it can be. No one can be expected to have all the right answers though which is why the community must show them HOW IMPORTANT the ARTS are to us!
We will be assembling at City Hall on Tuesday May 29th @ 6pm for a peaceful protest prior to the common council’s meeting when they will vote yes or no on the veto. It will be your chance to see how each council person views the importance of the arts in Middletown. It will be your last chance to keep Middletown moving forward in its politics and the arts. The media will be present. We have two themes of attire for those inclined to join in. One is any type of artful or performance related wear meant to signify support of the arts. The other is mops, brooms, cleaning attire meant to signify it’s time to clean the house of those in power who don’t see the importance of our city’s arts. Signs are always welcome as well. Please come and show your support it’s the only way to make a difference and keep the City we love growing!
The Commission on Equity and Opportunity (CEO) was created through SSPA 16-3 with the mandate to focus its efforts on the quality of life for members of the African-American, Asian Pacific American and the Latino and Puerto Rican populations in the state of Connecticut. Through best practices models and partnerships with local, state and national organizations, the CEO uses a cross-cultural lens to inform public policy and involve traditionally underserved populations in the legislative process to unite minority communities in the policy arena.
Wesleyan University's Jewett Center for Community Partnerships welcomes you to participate in a Town Hall Meeting with CEO. Learn more about their work, hear from Middlesex Coalition for Children and the Middletown Racial Justice Coalition, and share your thoughts and experiences.
The event will take place on June 6th at 5:30 pm, in Usdan Room #108, 45 Wyllys Ave. Middletown.
Food will be served and RSVPs are not needed.
Any questions can be directed to
The 2018 regular session of the State Legislature has come to a close. There were a number of bills that were controversial. This is the fourth of a series of brief reports on how those who represent our city voted in the capitol. The description of the bill is from a State publication, Major Public Acts. Previous posts: Gun Safety Measure, Educational Assistance for Undocumented Residents, Greenhouse Gas Emissions. ------------------------
New legislation requires the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to develop new tariff-based renewable energy programs that generally require electric distribution companies (EDCs, i.e., Eversource and United Illuminating) to develop a procurement plan and 20-year tariffs (detailed rate schedules) for purchasing energy and renewable energy credits (RECs) from certain low-emission, zero-emission, shared clean energy, and residential Class I renewable energy sources.
The new law sets various requirements and conditions for the programs, including eligibility criteria for participants and caps on the aggregate total megawatts annually available under certain programs. Customers in certain programs will also be able to choose between a (1) “buy-all, sellall” tariff under which the EDC will purchase all energy and RECs generated by the customer's system or (2) “net export” tariff under which the EDC will purchase any energy the customer produced but did not consume during a PURA-determined time period, plus all RECs generated by the customer’s system (PA 18-50, § 7, effective upon passage).
The Senate vote was 29 to 3 (4 absent), The House passed the bill 100 to 45 (5 absent).
The city's Democratic Town Committee met Thursday evening as a nominating convention to endorse candidates for the State Legislature and for the Registrar of Voters.
To represent the 33rd House District, Joe Serra was nominated for a 14th term by Gerry Daley, and seconded by Tom Serra, Domenique Thornton, and Rob Blanchard. He was described as quiet but respected, and effective at bringing state resources to our city. With no other nominations, he was endorsed by acclamation.
To represent the 100th District, Quentin Phipps was nominated for a first term by Jeanette Blackwell, and seconded by LIsa Loomis. Robert Santangelo was nominated by Robert Blanchard, and seconded by Tom Serra. Phipps received 47 votes, Santangelo received 6.
In the Registrar of Voters endorsement, Charlotte McCoid was nominated by Patricia Charles, and seconded by Leslie Beaudry and Christine Bourne. Lisa Santangelo was nominated by Rob Blanchard, and seconded by Matt Lesser and Steven Kovach. Santangelo received 31 votes, McCoid received 21 votes.
The 2018 regular session of the State Legislature has come to a close. There were a number of bills that were controversial. This is the third of a series of brief reports on how those who represent our city voted in the capitol. The description of the bill is from a State publication, Major Public Acts.Previous post: Gun Safety Measure, Educational Assistance for Undocumented Residents. ------------------------
The legislature passed a law establishing a new interim greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction requirement. Existing law requires the state to reduce its GHG emissions to a level that is at least (1) 10% below 1990’s emission level by 2020 and (2) 80% below 2001’s emission level by 2050. The new law requires the state to also reduce its emissions level to one that is at least 45% below 2001’s emissions level by 2030. It also integrates GHG reductions into various state planning efforts and documents, such as the state’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy and its plan of conservation and development
The Senate vote was 34 to 2, The House passed the bill 137 to 11.
The 2018 regular session of the State Legislature has come to a close. There were a number of bills that were controversial. This is the second of a series of brief reports on how those who represent our city voted in the capitol. The description of the bill is from a State publication, Major Public Acts. Previous post: Gun Safety Measure -------------------
A new law allows certain students without legal immigration status, including honorably discharged veterans, access to institutional aid to attend a state public higher education institution. The act extends eligibility to these students if they meet certain residency, age, and criminal history requirements and file with the institution an affidavit about their intent to legalize their immigration status.
The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 30 to 5, with one absent. It passed the House by a vote of 91 to 59.
Enjoy a good rhythm? Looking to spend quality time with quality people? Join our drum circle for a spell of peace, steady beats, and positivity! No reservations are necessary, and extra percussion instruments will be provided. Though if you own one already, we encourage you bring it.
Andrew Collins Trio
Friday, May 25 @ 8-10PM, $15 Admission
The winner of seven Canadian Folk Music Awards is coming to our neighborhood! Bear witness to the instrumental interplay between Andrew Collins, Mike McEleney, and Mike Mezzatesta, featuring their unique blend of Celtic, swing, jazz, folk, chambergrass, and more!
Aligned with Source: A Personal Development Workshop & Meditation
Saturday, May 26 @ 10:30AM-12PM
This week, join our resident Spiritual and Holistic healer, Annaita teach us how to channel our higher frequencies so that we may find our own light. If you're tired of this world's overwhelming sense of spiritual corruption and inequality, we recommend joining us so that you may rise above this negativity. This week's topic: Channeling Higher Frequencies. Personal coaching available, contact us at The Buttonwood Tree
Andrew Biagiarelli & Someone You Can X-Ray
Saturday, May 26 @ 8-10PM, $15 Admission
Andrew Biagiarelli is a composer whose range is about as diverse as the world we live in, and the stories he weaves within them as grand as the life he lived. He will be joining us this Saturday to regale his travels in jazz, folk, and more. Joining him is Someone You Can X-Ray, an ensemble of electronic music and hilarious improvisations, they're sure to make your eyes bug out of your head more than once! Purchase Tickets Here!
John Basinger Presents: "Lear Alone" Sunday, May 27 @ 7-8:30PM
In a world where we can hardly remember each other's phone numbers, John Basinger had long ago taken it upon himself to keep the traditions of storytelling alive with emotional and enthralling vocal performances, typically unscripted. This upcoming Sunday, he will present a unique performance about a man who obsessively identifies with King Lear, the title character of William Shakespeare's timeless tragedy. This is a free event, donations for TBT are always appreciated.
Thank you to all our Veterans .... God Bless us All
The 2018 regular session of the State Legislature has come to a close. There were a number of bills that were controversial. This is the first of a series of brief reports on how those who represent our city voted in the capitol.
The new law generally makes it a class D felony for anyone to sell, transfer, purchase, possess, use, or manufacture a “rate of fire enhancement” (e.g., a bump stock).
The law passed the Senate by a vote of 26 to 10, it passed the House by a vote of 114 to 35.
I'm a quiet and mellow kitty most of the time, but I also love to play. I especially enjoy chasing wand toys. I am affectionate and seek attention from the people I know, but tend to be a bit shy with strangers. However, I have recently come out of my shell and have been very friendly with many of the Cat Tales volunteers. I love it when they pet me. I will purr and rub against their hands for more attention. I still prefer to stay in my cage though where I feel safe. I would love a home with someone who has a very outgoing, affectionate cat that can be my buddy. I will take a some time to adjust and will need to be kept in a small room until I am comfortable. I am keeping my paws crossed that a very patient and understanding person will adopt me soon!
Cat Tales will be holding their Annual Walk-A-Thon/Run on 6/23/18! Our goal is to raise awareness and much needed funds to care for the shelter and foster kitties!
WHEN: Saturday, June 23, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. for Registration (Walk/Run begins at 10:30), RAIN OR SHINE!!
WHERE: Middlesex Community College, upper parking lot, 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, CT
WHAT: 2.2 mile walk (or 4.4 mile run!), trail is easy/intermediate
Friendly dogs on a leash are encouraged to join the walk. We have fresh water stations throughout the trail for thirsty dogs. For any questions not addressed, please email or call 860-344-9043.
(Pictured above are various bike-friendly road treatments, applicable to the projects to be discussed on May 23.)
The Jonah
Center for Earth and Art and The Rockfall Foundation invite the public to learn
about recreational trails and bike routes being constructed, planned, or
envisioned in the greater Middletown area. The program will take place on Wednesday,
May 23, 7- 8:30 p.m. at the deKoven House, 27 Washington Street, in Middletown.
The main
presenters will be John Shafer and Kathy Herron, members of Portland’s Air Line
Trail Steering Committee and Complete Streets Group; Howard Reid, co-chair of
Middletown’s Complete Streets Committee; and John Hall, Executive Director of
the Jonah Center.
The presentations
will cover the large number of current projects at various stages of
development in Portland, Middletown, and extending west through Meriden to
connect the Air Line Trail with the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail in
Cheshire. A section of the Air Line Trail in Portland is scheduled to open on
June 2. Other trails and routes in Middletown are under construction, or
construction is scheduled to begin soon, or projects are in the concept and
planning phase, or awaiting funding.
Those in
attendance will have ample opportunity to ask questions, offer ideas, and join
other advocates in exploring strategies to support these walking and bicycling
infrastructure improvements. Many studies have demonstrated the health,
economic, and quality of life benefits that come with safer and more convenient
places to exercise and use non-motorized transportation. But these improvements
are not likely to happen without an informed and mobilized citizenry. The need
for public awareness and coordinated action is behind the Jonah Center’s Speak
Out For Trails & Bike Routes
campaign that was launched in February 2018.
For more
information, contact John Hall at 860-398-3771 or via “contact us” from
The Buttonwood Tree is proud to present former Middletown resident, David Davis and his jazz group Friday night and on Saturday night, the lively and talented duo, the Kennedys. Both shows start at 8 pm.
See more and reserve your seats here for The Kennedys or for David Davis "Sax in the City".
The Kennedys are an American folk-rock
band, consisting of husband and wife Pete and Maura Kennedy. They are
recognized for their harmonies and instrumental prowess, blending
elements of country music, bluegrass, Western swing and janglepop.
well over a million miles of roadwork, including two stints as members
of Nanci Griffith’s Blue Moon Orchestra, Pete and Maura Kennedy show no
signs of slowing down either on tour or in the creative realm.
based in Austin, Texas, they spent a few years in the Washington DC
area before moving to the East Village in New York City, where they have
been based for most of the last two decades. The Kennedys are known
nationwide as the hosts of the late lamented Dharma Café program
on Sirius Satellite Radio, and on Broadway, they are regular cast
members of Theatre Within's annual tribute to John Lennon — working in
that capacity with Patti Smith, Debbie Harry, Jackson Browne, Cyndi
Lauper and a host of others.
Maverick Magazine (UK) says, "Another
wonderful album from New York duo comprised of sweet and soulful
acoustic alternative folk-pop music...You will truly enjoy the wonderful
songs on this marvellous album. Maura's voice is sweet &
charming. There's a geniune emotion at work here..."
The Sunday New York Daily News' Jim Farber " floored by the Kennedys."
FRIDAY night we're excited to host for the first time, our dear friend David Davis with two fabulous musicians, Isaac Monts and Wayne Brown. The trio will serve up a tasty dish of contemporary jazz, funk, instrumental pop
and originals from Davis’ latest cd “Dig This” which is getting radio
play across the country.
Isaac is currently the Percussion instructor for the Bushnell’s Noah
Webster Jazzicians Program, and works both live and in the studio with
artists including Ace Livingston, DavidDavis,
Klokwize, Lawrence V. White, and Brittney Crush. Isaac also serves as
the Music Director at Liberty Christian Center International in
Hartford, Connecticut, and continues his pursuits to inspire and impact
others through his music.
Wayne Brownhas
collaborated with a wide and diverse array of artists as both a writer
and producer including Billy Ocean, Ruby Turner, Earth Wind and
Fire, Junior Giscombe, Stevie Winwood, Jonathan Butler, George
Michael, Janet Kay, Lulu, Yazz and many more, and played with jazz
greats such as Coleman Hawkins and Tal Farlow.
Wayne studied Jazz at the prestigious Leeds College of Music. After
his time at the College he delved into the mainstream music world and
went on to sell several million records as a writer and producer with
his international top 5 hits “Heartache” and “Goodbye Stranger”.
Reserve your seat - Free parking behind It's Only Natural market after 6 pm and on Sundays
This workshop empowers you to see your Light and be your best. Topic this week: Changing PerspectivesHow do you flow in today’s constantly shifting realities?
Personal Life Coaching opportunities may be arranged with Annaita through The Buttonwood Tree. Email:
Teens are welcome to present any artistic forms on Third Saturdays from 3-5 pm. Thanks to Middlsesex Music Academy, we can accommodate bands with advance notice. Please call or write us at (860) 347-4957.
The Buttonwood Tree is located at 605 Main Street, Middletown.