Thursday, October 18, 2018

Council Meeting Agenda for October 18 Reveals Airing of Disagreements

A Common Council meeting is scheduled for tonight, October 18th, for the sole purpose of discussing the recent feud city hall.

The meeting is at 6PM, in Council Chambers. There is a public hearing at the onset of the meeting.

The feud between Mayor Drew and Common Council stems from the results of an investigation of the mayor, authorized unanimously by the common council.

Though the results of the investigation were inconclusive, Drew, and one member of the Council, Gerry Daley, have not let go of their desire to expose all those who were willing to speak to the investigating attorney. This has not only escalated the feud, it has pitted Daley against almost all other members of the Council. Drew and Daley's efforts have kept the investigation of the Mayor in the news.

The most recent action by the mayor was to order the Council Clerk to release confidential information, contrary to the expressed wishes of the Common Council, which voted overwhelmingly against this on September 4th.

The agenda for tonight's meeting includes a discussion of the requests by Drew and Daley, under the Freedom of Information Act, as well as a discussion of the Mayor's command to the Council Clerk to comply with those, against the wishes of the Council.
The feud and dysfunctionality of our current municipal government, can be followed in the following articles.

1 comment:

  1. Middletown government has been, and will always be, a feud. Doesn't matter who is in power.


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