Friday, February 21, 2025

Oddfellows Playhouse Teen Repertory Company 2024 announces auditions for “Everybody"

Auditions are March 3 and 6 in Middletown for actors ages 14 - 20 looking for a fun and challenging acting experience this spring.

Oddfellows Playhouse Teen Repertory Company 2024 announces auditions for

“Everybody", Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’ wild contemporary adaptation of the 15th century Morality play “Everyman”.


Audition dates are March 3 & 6, 6:30 - 9 pm at Oddfellows Playhouse, 

128 Washington Street, Middletown.

Anyone wishing to audition should:

*Register for one of the two evenings at, or fill out the audition form directly at

*Arrive on time, dress to move, and be prepared to stay the entire 2.5 hours

*Open to anyone ages 14 - 20

*Everyone who auditions and commits to the rehearsal and production schedule will be cast!

Rehearsals begin March 17 and will be Mondays and Thursdays, 6 - 9 pm. 

Performance dates May 15 - 17 and 23 - 24. “Everybody” is directed by Hannah Simms.

“Everybody” is a modern riff on a 15th century morality play about a person looking for comfort and companionship when facing death. The Huffington Post says: “This is theater unlike anything you might have seen…unusual, unconventional and eye-opening…Everyman is no barrel of laughs, being a morality play about death. EVERYBODY tells the same tale, with equal emotional heft; but it is not only provocative and involving, it is also funny. Wildly funny, in fact.” 

Tuition for Teen Rep is $325. Financial aid or work-study are available for all who need it. To register for one of the two auditions, go to For more details or more information, email or call (860) 347-6143.

Monday, February 10, 2025

ZOOM Genealogy Club - Saturday, February 21, 2025


Host:      Godfrey Memorial Library

Date:      Saturday, February 21, 2025

Time:      1:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Topic:    "Paying It Forward"

We will welcome Michael Cassara to talk about rescuing those abandoned family photos and documents you sometimes come across in antique shops and resale stores.  Don't they make you sad?  Michael will talk about how folks are reuniting families with their treasures, something that has become somewhat easier in this digital age.

The Zoom presentation will take place at 1:30 pm (ET).  Please register by 4:00 PM Friday, February 21.  The invite will be sent out on that Friday.

Godfrey Premium members can register for free at the following email:

If you are not a Godfrey Premium member and want to attend the presentation, you can pay $10 via PayPal ( with the payment sent to Godfrey Memorial Library.  Then register using the above email.