Wednesday, July 18, 2012

City Youth Development Grants Available

For the sixth year in a row, the Common Council has approved monies ($49,500*) in the City’s budget to help support out of school youth programming. This opportunity allows the City and its Youth Services Bureau (MYSB) to work with the community to keep kids safe and productive during their out of school time.

The Request For Proposals (RFP) is to solicit program activities from community agencies and organizations that support the goals of the Educational Incentives Challenge Grant.

Specifically, this grant is looking to fund program activities for children in Grades K-12 that help support at-risk, under-represented students who traditionally are not involved in afterschool programming. These activities may be of academic, recreational, cultural, physical, psychological, and/or emotional benefit to the child.

Click here find the YSB site page where the RFP can be found. The document includes all guidelines, timelines, and directions for the narrative that will assist you in the development of a proposal. Be advised that the deadline for this year's grant is August 14th at 4pm.

Any and all questions may be directed towards Justin Carbonella at 860-854-6030 or via email at You can also follow MYSB on twitter @mtownysb or on Facebook through

*correction was made to funding amount

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