Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh. My. Craisins.

Your friendly Main Street blogger has news...and such news!

You may have heard me complain about how all the cool towns have been drawing crowds with self-serve frozen yogurt with about a million different toppings.  I whined about how Middletown was missing the boat in a 2010 post called "Things Seen in Other Places."

But according to a sign hanging in the window at Main Street Market - we've finally arrived!

It's FroyoWorld - an excellent small froyo chain with shops in New Haven, Providence, RI, and Amherst, MA.   No word on when they plan to open, so you've still got some time to decide if you're more of the chopped kiwi, mango & blueberry type, or whether you're just going to go for the gummy bears with Captain Crunch.

And that's not all - here are some other bits of activity on Main Street:

Fusion Bakery has outgrown the space at the back of Main Street Market and is moving to larger digs in Riverview Arcade, next to Cold Stone Creamery & Haiti's Back Porch.

Things looked a little quiet, but a new Italian restaurant called Stella Doro II has opened in Metro Square next to Puerto Vallarta.

And lastly, it was nice to see sidewalk tables out at both the new La Boca and their neighbor, Forbidden City.    They haven't had tables out for the past few years, due to a series of incompatible bars next door - so I'll take their return as a sign of optimism.

Should be a busy week downtown, what with the Wesleyan Reunion/Commencement crowds rolling in over the next few days.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I can't wait to try out the frozen yogurt; thanks for such a wonderful update on our ever-changing main street :)


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