Saturday, September 7, 2019


Grant Informational Session

Tuesday, September 10 at 5pm
The Rockfall Foundation
deKoven House, 27 Washington St.

The Rockfall Foundation has opened applications for our 2020 Annual Environmental Grant Program, available to non-profit organizations, municipalities, and schools, and is announcing a new multi-year grant for schools. The 2020 Annual Environmental Grants are for projects that contribute to the general environmental education of the public, or promote responsible environmental planning, or contribute to the preservation of the Connecticut River watershed.

The new multi-year grant, Fostering Future Environmental Stewards, is available to schools seeking funding for preschool to 8th grade environmental education programs. The new grant aims to support continuous environmental literacy for children that offer nature discovery and real-world, hands-on, place-based learning.
Both grant programs have a competitive application process and must benefit at least one of the towns in the Lower Connecticut River Valley, which includes Middlesex County as well as Lyme and Old Lyme.  Applications are due by November 7, 2019.  All interested applicants are encouraged to attend an informational session on September 10 at 5pm.  Application and guidelines for the 2020 Annual Environmental Grant are available at Information for Fostering Future Environmental Stewards is available at For more information call 860-347-0340.

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