Saturday, February 11, 2017

Storm Anticipated, Parking Banned, Active Voice Eschewed

From the Mayor's Office, with galloping commas and omnipresent passive voice. We think the second sentence might be rephrased, "Do not park on City streets." But we decided not to impose alternative phrasing and grammar.
In anticipation of the Sunday snow storm, Mayor Daniel Drew is declaring a parking ban effective at 11 PM , on February 11, 2017. The Department of Public Works requests that you make arrangements to remove your vehicles parked on City streets.

Should you need off-street parking, you may park at the following municipal parking lots:

  • -Melilli Plaza
  • -Broad Street/Kidcity
  • -Broad Street/Russell Library
  • -Arcade Upper Level Entrance (Court Street) Kings Avenue Lot
  • -Green Street Lot
  • -Hubbard LL Baseball Lot on Dekoven Drive -Grand Street/Community Health Center Lot

Parked vehicles on City streets must be removed by 11 PM or run the risk of being towed by the Middletown Police at the owner's expense. If a vehicle is towed during the parking ban, you may claim the vehicle by contacting the Middletown Police Department at 860-638-4000.

All payments, i.e., ticket and towing charges, must be paid at the Police Department before a vehicle is released.

The Mayor asks for everyone's cooperation. Due diligence will be exercised but safety will remain a priority.

Please help the Public Works Department employees to properly clear all City streets.


  1. The commas seem fine but what are we to make of the hyphens preceding the text of each bullet point?

  2. Why is the ban starting so early? When do they start ploughing?

  3. A Google search of "galloping commas" gave three results, two of which were this blog post.


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