Thursday, August 13, 2015

Drew To Announce Community Supported Agriculture Initiative Tomorrow

 Mayor Daniel T. Drew is excited to announce that the City of Middletown is looking to make land available at low cost to a Community Farmer in order to support a self-sustaining Community Supported Agriculture program.  The City seeks to develop a partnership to make City land available for agricultural activities to supply agricultural products for sale to the public.

The City has selected four, City-owned parcels of land, ranging in size from 3.25 to 5.6 acres, which would be suitable to support a variety of agricultural ventures.  Potential agricultural uses may include fruit/vegetable crop shares, fruit/vegetable wholesale, flower gardening and sale, dairy farming, viticulture, orchards, or any other use within the scope of agriculture with which the applicant can provide a suitable business plan.  A primary goal of the program is to better provide Middletown residents with access to agricultural goods.

The mayor will formally announce the project on Friday, August 14, 2015 at 9:30 am at one of the City’s open space parcels located off River Road, east of Silver Street. There will be an informational session for all interested parties on Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 3:00 at City Hall and all proposals are due by September 23, 2015.

The City is open to hearing all proposals and would like to select a project to begin in 2016.

Michelle Ford – Planning and Environmental Specialist
City of Middletown
245 deKoven Drive, Room 202


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