Friday, August 14, 2015

August 14 & 15 at The Buttonwood Tree

This Weekend at The Buttonwood Tree

Friday, August 14
8:00 pm, $10
Smoke and Mirrors
with Abu Alvin Carter Smith
Each member of Smokin' Mirrors brings a wealth of musical experiences to the table.
   Musical images created and being created as a result of these experiences leave indelible
   impressions on their hearts, minds, and souls. As they reflect upon these impressions a group spirit is manifested that allows a joyfully collective musical expression based on individual contributions. The quartet wishes to share these "Images and Reflections" with all who care.

Saturday, August 15
8:00 pm, $10
Uri Shaham and Mark Kaplan Duo
The Uri Shaham - Mark Kaplan Jazz Duo presents The Great American Songbook and other jazz classics in a uniquely creative format, featuring veteran jazz performers Uri Shaham (piano) and Mark Kaplan (tenor saxophone).  Their collaborative and melodic style, which incorporates bebop and straight ahead influences, creates musical surprises and unique interpretations.

For tickets to events, call (860) 347-4957.
See you soon!

Saturday Morning at Harbor Park
10:00 am Simple Tai Chi
10:30 am Aligned with Source 

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