Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Early Bird

Brewbakers opens at 8 am on Sundays, an hour later than their usual 7 am opening. Looks like they might want to start earlier, because by 3 minutes after opening, they had a line to the door. I was behind Lucy McMillan (buying bagels for a board retreat) and Scott Bishel (coffee/and before opening the shop next door?) and a half-a-dozen others.

It's nice to know, in the age of the chain store, that a Main Street coffeeshop can still pack in loyal customers. Brewbakers was featured in a recent issue of INK magazine for their artsy playlist and European baked treats.


  1. the line speaks for itself! the food there is amazing consistently...I am happy to spend an obscene amount of money dining there frequently, because the quality is A+++

  2. Agree. One of my favorite lunch places in Connecticut.

  3. I find the bagels sub-par, the soups, excellent and the staff, often quite pleasant. Don't try to linger over coffee, though. The owner will chase you away.

  4. I agree. Their food is amazing, especially the cheddar bagels. Before the current owner took over, I used to meet other moms there at least twice a week to chat over coffee and bagels. But when it changed hands she made it abundantly clear that we were no longer welcome to linger over coffee. It's too bad because the food really is good. It's just missing the atmosphere. And what's with all the notices plastered everywhere? Are they trying to keep customers away? It makes no sense. Perhaps the front of house duties should be left to someone else.


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