Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Night Market - Farmers Market, Tonight 5-8 PM

Last year, after returning from a visit to Chico, CA, I mentioned to Izzi Greenberg, of NEAT that the night-time farmer's market in Chico was a wonderful, and well-attended event.

Izzi thought it was a great idea, and this year, NEAT has created monthly Night Markets. Tonight is the first, and with the harvest beginning to roll in in full force, and great music by Buru Style is just another reason to head downtown as the sun goes down.

Information below, and more on the Market website.


  1. The link to the market site links to the band instead...

  2. The website for the market is http://northendfarmersmarket.org.

    There is a morning market this Friday from 10-2 on the corner of main street and liberty streets.

    Hope to see you there.


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