Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Small Farm On Atkins Street To Be Subdivided

The Inland Wetlands Commission approved the creation of two new building lots at 643 Atkins Street. The lot currently contains a designated historic house, an 18th century, center chimney, raised colonial. Driveways to two new lots came within the 100' "uplands review" area, and so the applicant submitted a permit for Wetlands approval. Frank Mazzotta, engineer, showed the plans to the Commission.

Following the advice of Matt Dodge, the Commission voted unanimously that the driveway encroachment was so minimal that no wetlands permit would be required.

A complaint from Dora Drive
Joe Carta, Chair of the Commission, read a letter of complaint sent by Michael Greenwood to the Wetlands Commission, the Zoning Enforcement Officer, and the Mayor. Greenwood alleges that extensive wetlands violations are occurring at 50 Highland Avenue. He cited the storage of waste 50-gallon oil drums and other construction debris, excavation, and the operation of ATVs, expressing concern about the properties on Dora Drive, the safety of the neighborhood children, and the possible environmental affects on wetlands and water courses.

The Commission agreed to ask the City's Enforcement Officer, Bruce Driska, to look into the situation.

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