Friday, March 18, 2011

This Sunday at First Church--Second Sunday in Lent

Power in the Wilderness

Exodus 32:1-4; 19-24, Luke 4:14-15

First Church of Christ,

190 Court Street
Middletown, CT

Come listen as John Hall further unpacks the Biblical metaphor of the wilderness and talks about the value of “wilderness experiences” and associated temptations (such as the story in Exodus of the worship of a golden calf (see image below). Guest preacher and theologian Ernie Lowrie’s comments of last Sunday on the Temptations of Jesus serve as a springboard.

Children's Program: Children will be invited to classroom area for their Young Peacemakers Club activity. Anthems by Celebration Singers and Senior Choir.

Second Hour: Get moving with Zumba, Latin music dance moves! Now is your chance to try it. Comfortable clothes and sneakers are advised.

Coming Soon: Our Annual Goods & Services Auction, next Sunday, March 27th. Catalogs are available for a preview this Sunday. Save the date for a fun and entertaining afternoon!

Easter Flowers: On Easter Sunday, our church will once again be adorned with beautiful Easter lilies. If you would like flowers displayed in memory of someone special, please fill out a flower envelope, either in the church office or at the end of each pew, and return to the church office no later than April 14th.

For those interested in learning more about First Church and possibly becoming a member, an Inquirers Class is scheduled for next Saturday morning, March 26, starting at 8:30 a.m. For more information and to indicate your interest, please speak with John Hall.

First Church provides child care on Sundays, and parking is available on Court Street and in the surrounding neighborhood.
First Church is an Open and Affirming Church: All are welcome into the full life of our community regardless of their race, age, gender, nationality, marital status, economic situation, mental or physical ability, or sexual orientation. No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome. Come visit and see. We won't bore you. We won't talk down to you. We will love you and respect your intelligence. We will give you tools to help you deepen and pursue your spiritual path.

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