Friday, April 16, 2010

Foreclosure Workshop Monday

Middletown, CT. H.O.P.E. Inc. (Home Ownership Providing Empowerment), Middletown Ministerial Alliance and Homes Saved by Faith have partner with Alpha & Omega II and Holy Trinity Church to host an series of educational workshop on Foreclosure Intervention and Prevention, Restoration & Rewards Financial Planning & Empowerment, Affordable Housing and Home Energy Services on April 19 at 6:00pm Holy Trinity Church located at Main Street, Middletown, CT.06457 Host Pastor Eddie Cardona.

The workshop is design to assist individuals who maybe facing or in foreclosure with options and solutions .Also to provide resources for new homebuyers or refinancing. Individuals my bring documents for one on one assistance or schedule future appointments. This is the second of the ten forums scheduled throughout the community.

There is no charge for the workshop. Please call for additional information –Debra Hopkins 860-346-6757 or visit

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