Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day Rant Thursday

Wesleyan physics professor Brian Stewart is well-known for getting himself worked-up into a lather on a topic and then letting loose with a well-reasoned, emotional, environmental rant.

Thursday's your chance to catch him soapboxing.

From Stewart:

Thursday is the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day.  The Physics Colloquium at Wesleyan University that day will be devoted to a discussion of energy, resource depletion, the environment, and the future of the economy and
of industrial civilization. Suitable for general audiences,  it will be held at 4:30 in Exley
Science Center room 58, with   refreshments beforehand at 4:15.

Your participation would
be most welcome.

Stewart will present an abbreviated rant on WESU's Eye on the Air Friday between 1-2 PM.

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