Sunday, March 28, 2010

From 1980: Selection of Convention Delegates Criticized by Loffredo, Gionfriddo

The following article is from exactly 30 years ago today, appearing in the Hartford Courant on March 28, 1980. It was written by Gary Weiss.
State Rep. Paul Gionfriddo, D-Middletown, and former Common Councilman Vincent J. Loffredo, charged Thursday that blacks and minority group representatives were excluded from the slate of 20 Democrats picked for the convention to select candidates for statewide office.

Gionfriddo repeated comments made by himself and Loffredo at a meeting of the Democratic Town Committee Wednesday night, criticizing the selection of delegates for the convention that will pick the Democratic candidate for the Second Congressional District.

"We come to the minority community and labor unions every year for support, but we don't put members of those constituencies on the delegations," Gionfriddo said.

The 20 delegates to the state convention will pick members of the state Central Committee and the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate.

The delegates to the convention were approved by the Democratic Town Committee Wednesday night by a vote of 47-to-16. That delegation includes no minority or labor representation.

The delegation to the Second Congressional District convention, which includes labor representation but no minority members, was approved in a voice vote.

Lawrence Cacciola, Democratic Town chairman and chairman of the committee that nominated the delegates to the two conventions and others, which were approved without opposition, declined comment on the criticism Thursday.

Loffredo Thursday termed the town committee's action as "purging the party" and said that it was reminiscent of when party bosses dictated teh membership of committees and forced their relatives and friends on party panels.

Loffredo and Gionfriddo claimed that persons who had served on the two key delegations in the past were removed by the nominating committee, in a departure from usual practice. Loffredo said that the persons removed had been supporters of his unsuccessful bid for the mayoral nomination and that the persons replacing them were supporters of Mayor Michael J. Cubeta, his opponent.

Various town committee members affiliated with labor unions opposed the state convention delegate slate because it lacked any labor representation, said town committee member William Pillarella, former vice president of the Middletown Central Labor Council.

One of the town committee members voting to approved that slate was Joseph Sbona, president of the Central Labor Council.
Loffredo is currently a councilman and member of the Democratic Town Committee. Pillarella is the chief of staff to Mayor Giuliano.


  1. With the comment "Pillarella is the chief of staff to Mayor Giuliano."
    Did anyone ever figure this one out- this guy is an old school democrat.
    Whats Sebby doing with this guy??

  2. My wife and I have dealt with Mr. Pillarella in his capacity as Chief of Staff to the Mayor. We found him to be effective and forthright. Mayor Giuliano provides citizen contact with city government through Mr. Pillarella.

    Mr. Pillarella is an "old school" citizen first.

    David & Susan Santacroce

  3. Dear David & Susan,

    Thanks for signing your name - something that the person who criticized Mr. Pillarella didn't have the courtesy to do.

    -Jen Alexander

  4. Seems quite evident that the Mayor believes in Bi-Partisan respect and what is best for the residents of the City, he sees beyond party lines and capitalizes on Mr. Pillarella's ability to fulfill the position of Chief of Staff.

    Once we get past the old school mentality of either Democrat or Republican control then all will benefit, congratulations Mayor Giuliano for leading by example.


    Anthony R. Lancia, Jr.
    Registered Democrat
    Voting for the Person not the Party!!!!!!


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