Thursday, June 18, 2009

River Paddle This Saturday

The Jonah Center for Earth and Art and First Church of Christ, Congregational, in Middletown are co-sponsoring a canoe and kayak paddle in the lower Mattabesset and Coginchaug Rivers, as well as the Boggy Meadows where those two rivers converge. The tour departs from the boat ramp on the Connecticut River, next to Harbor Park in Middletown, on Sat. June 20 at 10 a.m. Paddlers will return to the starting point between 1 and 2 p.m. There will be two rest stops. All paddlers are welcome.

Naturalists Kate Miller and Eric Mosher will offer short talks on river bank ecology, biodiversity, and habitat preservation along the way. Participants will be encouraged to pick up plastic bottles, cans, and other debris as part of the Jonah Center’s ongoing effort to beautify and protect our local waterways.

Paddlers need to provide their own boats, life jackets, paddles, drinking water, and snacks. This event is free and advance registration is not necessary Call (860) 343-3259 for more information.

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