Sunday, June 14, 2009

From 1909: New Parish House for Holy Trinity

This article is from the Hartford Courant of June 14th, 1909.  The reverend at the Holy Trinity Church during this time was Edward Campion Acheson (his son, Dean, served as secretary of State under President Harry Truman), he is mentioned in the funeral of Mrs. Roberts.  The picture below is from a postcard probably before 1910.  The church was added to the National Registry of Historic Places in 1979.  [Blessed be Wikipedia]

Plans have been completed for the new parish house which is to be erected this summer by Holy Trinity Church, at a cost of $25,000.  Work is to be started on the new building at once and it is hoped to have it completed by September 1.  The entire sum of $25,000 has been raised by subscription, $10,000 of this amount having been left to the church by Mrs. Hubbard. The plans as formed by Architect W.D. Johnson of Hartford call for the remodelling of the present parish house, and the erection of a large addition. In this new building there will be an hall capable of seating 500 persons. 

The building will include rooms for the Men's Club, the Girl's Friendly Society and the Woman's Society, and a large kitchen and dining room. The contract for the mason work has been awarded to Mylchreest Brothers, and for the carpenter work to R.H. White. The building is to be erected in such a manner that another addition can be built at a future date.

House Party at By-Low
Mrs. E. Fielding Bell entertained a house party at her country place By-Low Saturday and Sunday. The party included Miss Mary Sullivan, Mrs. Thomas H. Tucker, Mrs. H.W. Griffiths and Edward B. Moore of New York; Mrs. Jessie Nichols of Pittsburg, Pa.; Miss Constance Griffiths, the noted English horsewoman, and Kenneth MacDougall of this city.  Mrs. Bell sails for Europe Thursday.  

Children's Day Exercises
Interesting Children's Day exercises were held at the various churches yesterday in this city. A large number of members were received into the different churches.  An excellent concert was rendered at the Baptist Church last night.  

Raise for Local Carriers
Postmaster Arthur B. Calaf received word from Washington, Saturday, that his recommendation for the promotion of the eight carriers in the local office had been approved. Their salary will consequently be increased from $1,000 to $1,100 a year.

Death of Albert J. Clark
Albert J. Clark died Saturday morning at the Middlesex Hospital at the age of 57 years, 5 months, and 10 days. He was a well known resident of this city. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. William O. Johnson, of South Farms.  The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at his daughter's residence.  The interment will be in Pine Grove Cemetery.

Funeral of Mrs. Roberts.
The funeral of Mrs. Eugene F. Roberts was held Sunday afternoon at 2 0'clock at her home on Asylum street, South Farms.  Rev. E.C. Acheson officiated and was assisted by Rev. B. F. Case.  The interment was in the Farm Hill Cemetery.  

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