Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Phipps Announces Run for State Representative

Former Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Quentin Phipps has joined the race to replace Matt Lesser in the Connecticut State House of Representatives.  Councilman Bob Santangelo is also running for the seat.

The 100th District encompasses downtown, and the southern and eastern portion of our city.

From Phipps' Facebook announcement:
City of Middletown City Treasurer and lifelong resident, Quentin “Q” Phipps today announced his candidacy for the Connecticut State House of Representatives in the 100th district. This seat is being vacated by five-term State Representative Matt Lesser.

“Middletown has always been my home and I’m passionate about our community. I’ve been afforded so many educational and career opportunities in Middletown, and I’m eager to work hard to ensure the resources I’ve been granted are attainable for everyone. During my campaign I want to hear from Middletown residents about the issues that affect them the most. I’m dedicated to working collaboratively with our community to forge creative and pragmatic solutions to help make all our neighborhoods more equitable places to live, work, and thrive.”

Phipps is a graduate of the Middletown Public School system and Bryant University. Phipps serves as Director of Advocacy and Policy for Excellence Community Schools. In this role, “Q” works as a school liaison, recruiting students, and empowering families through advocacy, community organizing, and strategic partnering.

Phipp’s civic and community leadership involvement includes: State of Connecticut Justice of the Peace, Community Foundation of Middlesex County Live Local Give Local 365 Fund, Middlesex Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Alliance Steering Committee, Middlesex Substance Abuse Action Council Board of Directors, Middlesex United Way Board of Directors, Middletown Racial Justice Coalition Steering Committee, and Oddfellows Playhouse Youth Theater Board of Directors.

More Information


  1. Quinten, Republicans in Middletown are changing party's because they are that angry at you and the other Ultra Liberal Progressive Terrorist hostile takeover of the Middletown DTC.
    YOU AND YOUR SLATE WILL NOT GET ELECTED. Middletown is going to take Middletown back from you outsiders.

  2. You spelled his name wrong. No worries. Once he wins the 9th, you'll see his name enough to learn it.

  3. 1. His name is Quintin.
    2. Please clarify what it is you think makes a group of Middletown residents who saw a need for change and acted on it terrorists.
    3. I’m not sure what you mean by “outsiders”, “Q” was born and raised in Middletown and has been a public servant for a long time.

  4. You Progressives have never won a race and you wont here. I will stick with "Q". Thank you.

  5. Anonymous 7:41

    I think progressives like myself, Stephen Devoto, Q Phipps himself, Marilyn Rios, Lisa Loomis and others would be surprised to find that they'd never won an election.

    Like most anonymous posters, you seem to derive more satisfaction from name-calling and lies, than you do from considering fact.

    Here's one. My name is Ed, what's yours?

  6. I think that is precisely one of the problems...too many 'insiders' in Middletown.

    I am more interested in what Quentin Phipps and Robert Santangelo see as their qualifications and accomplishments. And I will be interested in any upcoming debates among potential candidates.

  7. What are the candidates thoughts on tolls, gas taxes, property taxes & spending?


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